sed replace values of column with ordered numbering

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting sed replace values of column with ordered numbering
# 1  
Old 06-11-2011
sed replace values of column with ordered numbering


I am trying to write a shell script that will create a gnuplot file.

My main problem is that I have a data file with two columns:

1.05929120E+09 5.0000701214792
1.05930096E+09 5.00006386985764
1.05930584E+09 5.00019465404908
1.05931072E+09 5.00031960589719
1.05931559E+09 5.00040271630384
1.05932047E+09 5.00020010067377
1.05932535E+09 5.00039493212858
1.05933023E+09 5.00052596491601
1.05933511E+09 5.0006511754308
1.05933998E+09 5.00073406230015

I need column 1 to be displayed like this in the script that will generate the gnuplot file:

cat > <<-__EOF__
#!$MyGnuplot -persist
set title "Title"
set xlabel "X axis"
set ylabel "Y axis"
set mxtics 5
set mytics 5
unset label

set xrange [0:7e+09]
set yrange [0:0.12]
set parametric
set trange [0:0.12]

'./elements.dat' u 1:2 w l\\
set terminal x11

I.e. I need to tr '\n' ' ' the first column of data but adding a consti= in front of it
running from i=1 .... last_number

I have never been good at looping...

Any help will be appreciated.

# 2  
Old 06-11-2011
what is the desired output?
# 3  
Old 06-11-2011
Maybe this can help:
% cat testfile
1.05929120E+09 5.0000701214792
1.05930096E+09 5.00006386985764
1.05930584E+09 5.00019465404908
1.05931072E+09 5.00031960589719
1.05931559E+09 5.00040271630384
1.05932047E+09 5.00020010067377
1.05932535E+09 5.00039493212858
1.05933023E+09 5.00052596491601
1.05933511E+09 5.0006511754308
1.05933998E+09 5.00073406230015

% var=`while read a b; do
  count=$(($count + 1))
  echo "const$count=$a"
done < testfile`

% cat  <<EOF           

but awk is better:
% awk '{print "const" ++count "=" $1}' testfile

Last edited by yazu; 06-11-2011 at 09:16 AM.. Reason: awk is better
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