My script is almost perfect but i'm stuck at the last hurdle:
I need a sort of modified 'echo' which truncates its output to the width of the terminal
I can find the terminal's width with 'stty size' but i dont know how to then convert input lines to that printing length:
The lines may contain multiple 'randomly' placed tab characters
The lines may contain special colour formatting escape sequences which should not effect the 'length' of the line
This is a 'find in files' utility which interactively finds using 'find' and 'grep' regex patterns in the directory subtree, opens the file in my favourite editor at the line wit the match, and interactively modifies the search pattern and re-performs the search. Complete with pretty coloured output. Here i'm trying to prevent long lines that get found from spilling onto new lines in the terminal and disrupting the formatted output
More context:
The actual formatted output is:
where <col> are the invisible coloured terminal formatting bits and <line /> is the only part which is allowed to be truncated (we assume the terminal is never thin enough to not print the 2 numeric fields)
None, one, or both numeric fields may exceed tab width under normal operation normal
Hello All,
I have a text file containing output from a command that contains lots of escape/control characters that when viewed using vi or view, looks like jibberish. But when viewed using the cat command the output is formatted properly.
Is there any way to take the output from the cat... (7 Replies)
How can I have all my output to a terminal pager by default.
I want all output to pause once screen is full.
Piping to more does not work if the app/script is interactive (2 Replies)
i make a shell script. There has a line wget this line execute terminal show some text like this
Resolving ( 149.*.*.*
Connecting to (|149.*.*.*|:4444...... (4 Replies)
I am doing fluid simulations using OpenFOAM. This program produces a lot of output every time step.
Producing output is surely not the most time consuming part, but I wonder whether writing output to the terminal or writing it into a file is faster.
With thousands of time steps a... (1 Reply)
I'm trying to come up with a simple expect script that allows me to login to a system and run a single command ... something like this:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# let's set some variables
#set password
set ipaddr
set ponumber
set hostname
set timeout -1
# let's now connect to the... (0 Replies)
How can I transfer the terminal output to a file ?
For example :
command "fuser" returns the "process-id" and prints the output on the terminal, but I want that output to a file as well. How can I do that ?
/clocal/mqbrkrs/user/mqsiadm/sanjay/AccessMonitor $ fuser -uf... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
i type a command along with dtterm what i would like to have is that the output of the command to be shown in the new terminal .
Any Idea on how to acheive this? (0 Replies)
I have a window open on my ultra 10 - a terminal window connecting to a server.
Is there any way I can log all output to this window to a log file on my ultra 10 ? (2 Replies)
How can I write to another user's pseudo tty, but not to its current prompt position (as in open("/dev/pts007", ...) followed by write() ). Instead I would like to write to the top center of the screen using color red, for example. Like curses, but from another console. (6 Replies)
Hi all
The makefile of a large project produces hundreds of lines of output, which I can't look at any more when the build is finished. If I simply redirect the output to a file, I can't see the progress of the building process...
Is there a possibility to redirect the output to a file and at... (1 Reply)