How to calculate time difference between start and end time of a process!
Hello All,
I have a problem calculating the time difference between start and end timings...!
the timings are given by 24hr format..
Start Date : 08/05/10 12:55
End Date : 08/09/10 06:50
above values are in mm/dd/yy hh:mm format.
Now the thing is, 7th(08/07/10) and 8th (08/08/10) of August are saturday and Sunday. So I dont want those timings( i mean saturday and sunday- script should check for weekends and should not count the timings for weekends). Finally i need the output in hr format which is the difference between start and end timings excluding weekends.
I do not have GNU date. So I got frustrated with limited options to get elapsed time in Unix,, I wrote a method in Java and using it..
If this works I could replace java method with this..
Does this approach work if a main program is calling say 1. common functions included from other ksh programs and 2. included java programs(from jar/class) ? I know PID is same thrughout the execution of my program.
In other words can we use this to reliably find elapsed time to execute complex Admin scripts in Unix ?
say my environment variable is this
: once I execute Does it start incrementing SECONDS as soon as any PID starts in the runtime and ends incrimenting before that PID exits from shell !?
Last edited by kchinnam; 09-03-2010 at 12:03 AM..
Reason: more doubts..
I have time in a file in HH:MM:SS format as it contents(its not the file creation time). i need this to be converted to epoch time or time since 1970. The time is written into that file by a script, which i cannot modify. Im using AIX machine
$ cat abc.txt
10:29:34 (2 Replies)
I'm trying to create a shell script (#!/bin/sh) which should tell me the age of a file in minutes...
I have a process, which delivers me all 15 minutes a new file and I want to have a monitoring script, which sends me an email, if the present file is older than 20 minutes.
To do... (10 Replies)
Process start time is not showing the correct time:
I had started a process on Jun 17th at 23:30:00.
Next day morning when I run the command "ps -ef | grep mq", the process is showing the start date of Jun 17th but the start time is 00:16:41
Day/Date is setup correctly on the server.
It... (2 Replies)
Can anyone help me how can I get the line that between the start time and end time.
15/03/2009 20:45:03 Request: - Data of this line
15/03/2009 20:45:12 Response: - Data of this line
15/03/2009 22:10:40 Request: - Data of this line
15/03/2009 22:10:42 Response: - Data of... (1 Reply)
Hi All,
I've written a script which reads all the systems backup information and saves it in a log file.
ssh -l ora${sid} ${primaryhost} "tail -1 /oracle/$ORACLE_SID/sapbackup/back$ORACLE_SID.log" | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6}' >> ${RESULTFILE}
The output comes as below:
2008-09-30 06.00.01... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I've written a script which reads all the systems backup information and saves it in a log file.
ssh -l ora${sid} ${primaryhost} "tail -2 /oracle/$ORACLE_SID/sapbackup/back$ORACLE_SID.log" |head -1 | awk '{print echo "PREVIOUS:-- Start Date&Time: " $3,$4,echo "|| End Date&Time:... (1 Reply)
Please help me in calculating the time difference between below mentioned timestamps.
a=07/17/2007 02:20:00 AM MST
b=07/17/2007 02:07:46 AM MST
Thanks (2 Replies)
Is there anyway to get the start time and end time / status of a crontab job which was just completed? Of course, we know the start time of the crontab job since we are scheduling. But I would like to know process start and time recorded somewhere or can be fetched from a command like 'ps'. ... (3 Replies)