How to generate the list?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to generate the list?
# 1  
Old 03-29-2010
How to generate the list?

Reference post, , I can generate a word list easily, by echo or for loop.

For example, with the echo command and word expect, I can list all 6 letters possibility (6X6X6X6X6X6=46656)

echo {e,x,p,e,c,t}{e,x,p,e,c,t}{e,x,p,e,c,t}{e,x,p,e,c,t}{e,x,p,e,c,t}{e,x,p,e,c,t}

but I want to generate a list which letters are not used again. So the list should be only (6X5X4X3X2X1=720).

Any idea?

The word will be any length.
# 2  
Old 03-29-2010
The following should do what you want:

echo a b c | nawk '
function perm(s,x,i,j,n,tmp) {
  n = split(s, L)
  if (x > n) { print s;return}
  for (i=x; i<=n; i++) {
    if (i != x) {
      tmp = L[x]; L[x] = L[i]; L[i] = tmp
      nextstr = L[1]
      for (j=2; j<=n; j++) nextstr = nextstr" "L[j]
    else {
      nextstr = s
  perm(nextstr, x+1)
  n = split(s, L)

a b c
a c b
b a c
b c a
c b a
c a b

# 3  
Old 03-29-2010

With a handy perl module:

# @(#) p2	Demonstrate combinations of strings.

use Math::Combinatorics;
use strict;
use warnings;

my @n = qw(e x p e c t);
print "combinations of 2 from: " . join( " ", @n ) . "\n";
print join( "\n", map { join " ", @$_ } combine( 2, @n ) ), "\n";
print "\n";

print "combinations of 2 from (non-replicated): " . join( " ", @n ) . "\n";
my (%hash) = map { $_, $_ } @n;
print join( "\n", map { join " ", @$_ } combine( 2, sort( keys(%hash) ) ) ),
print "\n";

% ./p2
combinations of 2 from: e x p e c t
e x
e p
e e
e c
e t
x p
x e
x c
x t
p e
p c
p t
e c
e t
c t

combinations of 2 from (non-replicated): e x p e c t
c e
c p
c x
c t
e p
e x
e t
p x
p t
x t

cheers, drl
# 4  
Old 03-29-2010
Originally Posted by Tytalus
The following should do what you want:

echo a b c | nawk '
function perm(s,x,i,j,n,tmp) {
  n = split(s, L)
  if (x > n) { print s;return}
  for (i=x; i<=n; i++) {
    if (i != x) {
      tmp = L[x]; L[x] = L[i]; L[i] = tmp
      nextstr = L[1]
      for (j=2; j<=n; j++) nextstr = nextstr" "L[j]
    else {
      nextstr = s
  perm(nextstr, x+1)
  n = split(s, L)

a b c
a c b
b a c
b c a
c b a
c a b

Thanks, the result is what I need. The only problem is I'd like to use the input and output word without space inside. I try to adjust your output, but not fix in this awk code.

If I can get the result with input, such as by " expect", it will be more better.

echo e x p e c t | nawk '
function perm(s,x,i,j,n,tmp) {
  n = split(s, L)
  if (x > n) { print s;return}
  for (i=x; i<=n; i++) {
    if (i != x) {
      tmp = L[x]; L[x] = L[i]; L[i] = tmp
      nextstr = L[1]
      for (j=2; j<=n; j++) nextstr = nextstr" "L[j]
    else {
      nextstr = s
  perm(nextstr, x+1)
  n = split(s, L)

}' |sed 's/ //g' |fmt
expect expetc expcet expcte exptce exptec exepct exeptc execpt exectp
exetcp exetpc except excetp excpet excpte exctpe exctep extecp extepc
extcep extcpe extpce extpec epxect epxetc epxcet epxcte epxtce epxtec
epexct epextc epecxt epectx epetcx epetxc epcext epcetx epcxet epcxte
epctxe epctex eptecx eptexc eptcex eptcxe eptxce eptxec eepxct eepxtc
eepcxt eepctx eeptcx eeptxc eexpct eexptc eexcpt eexctp eextcp eextpc
eecxpt eecxtp eecpxt eecptx eectpx eectxp eetxcp eetxpc eetcxp eetcpx
eetpcx eetpxc ecpext ecpetx ecpxet ecpxte ecptxe ecptex ecepxt eceptx
ecexpt ecextp ecetxp ecetpx ecxept ecxetp ecxpet ecxpte ecxtpe ecxtep
ectexp ectepx ectxep ectxpe ectpxe ectpex etpecx etpexc etpcex etpcxe
etpxce etpxec etepcx etepxc etecpx etecxp etexcp etexpc etcepx etcexp
etcpex etcpxe etcxpe etcxep etxecp etxepc etxcep etxcpe etxpce etxpec
xepect xepetc xepcet xepcte xeptce xeptec xeepct xeeptc xeecpt xeectp
xeetcp xeetpc xecept xecetp xecpet xecpte xectpe xectep xetecp xetepc
xetcep xetcpe xetpce xetpec xpeect xpeetc xpecet xpecte xpetce xpetec
xpeect xpeetc xpecet xpecte xpetce xpetec xpceet xpcete xpceet xpcete
xpctee xpctee xptece xpteec xptcee xptcee xptece xpteec xepect xepetc
xepcet xepcte xeptce xeptec xeepct xeeptc xeecpt xeectp xeetcp xeetpc
xecept xecetp xecpet xecpte xectpe xectep xetecp xetepc xetcep xetcpe
xetpce xetpec xcpeet xcpete xcpeet xcpete xcptee xcptee xcepet xcepte
xceept xceetp xcetep xcetpe xceept xceetp xcepet xcepte xcetpe xcetep
xcteep xctepe xcteep xctepe xctpee xctpee xtpece xtpeec xtpcee xtpcee
xtpece xtpeec xtepce xtepec xtecpe xtecep xteecp xteepc xtcepe xtceep
xtcpee xtcpee xtcepe xtceep xteecp xteepc xtecep xtecpe xtepce xtepec
pxeect pxeetc pxecet pxecte pxetce pxetec pxeect pxeetc pxecet pxecte
pxetce pxetec pxceet pxcete pxceet pxcete pxctee pxctee pxtece pxteec
pxtcee pxtcee pxtece pxteec pexect pexetc pexcet pexcte pextce pextec
peexct peextc peecxt peectx peetcx peetxc pecext pecetx pecxet pecxte
pectxe pectex petecx petexc petcex petcxe petxce petxec peexct peextc
peecxt peectx peetcx peetxc pexect pexetc pexcet pexcte pextce pextec
pecxet pecxte pecext pecetx pectex pectxe petxce petxec petcxe petcex
petecx petexc pceext pceetx pcexet pcexte pcetxe pcetex pceext pceetx
pcexet pcexte pcetxe pcetex pcxeet pcxete pcxeet pcxete pcxtee pcxtee
pctexe pcteex pctxee pctxee pctexe pcteex pteecx pteexc ptecex ptecxe
ptexce ptexec pteecx pteexc ptecex ptecxe ptexce ptexec ptceex ptcexe
ptceex ptcexe ptcxee ptcxee ptxece ptxeec ptxcee ptxcee ptxece ptxeec
expect expetc expcet expcte exptce exptec exepct exeptc execpt exectp
exetcp exetpc except excetp excpet excpte exctpe exctep extecp extepc
extcep extcpe extpce extpec epxect epxetc epxcet epxcte epxtce epxtec
epexct epextc epecxt epectx epetcx epetxc epcext epcetx epcxet epcxte
epctxe epctex eptecx eptexc eptcex eptcxe eptxce eptxec eepxct eepxtc
eepcxt eepctx eeptcx eeptxc eexpct eexptc eexcpt eexctp eextcp eextpc
eecxpt eecxtp eecpxt eecptx eectpx eectxp eetxcp eetxpc eetcxp eetcpx
eetpcx eetpxc ecpext ecpetx ecpxet ecpxte ecptxe ecptex ecepxt eceptx
ecexpt ecextp ecetxp ecetpx ecxept ecxetp ecxpet ecxpte ecxtpe ecxtep
ectexp ectepx ectxep ectxpe ectpxe ectpex etpecx etpexc etpcex etpcxe
etpxce etpxec etepcx etepxc etecpx etecxp etexcp etexpc etcepx etcexp
etcpex etcpxe etcxpe etcxep etxecp etxepc etxcep etxcpe etxpce etxpec
cxpeet cxpete cxpeet cxpete cxptee cxptee cxepet cxepte cxeept cxeetp
cxetep cxetpe cxeept cxeetp cxepet cxepte cxetpe cxetep cxteep cxtepe
cxteep cxtepe cxtpee cxtpee cpxeet cpxete cpxeet cpxete cpxtee cpxtee
cpexet cpexte cpeext cpeetx cpetex cpetxe cpeext cpeetx cpexet cpexte
cpetxe cpetex cpteex cptexe cpteex cptexe cptxee cptxee cepxet cepxte
cepext cepetx ceptex ceptxe cexpet cexpte cexept cexetp cextep cextpe
ceexpt ceextp ceepxt ceeptx ceetpx ceetxp cetxep cetxpe cetexp cetepx
cetpex cetpxe cepext cepetx cepxet cepxte ceptxe ceptex ceepxt ceeptx
ceexpt ceextp ceetxp ceetpx cexept cexetp cexpet cexpte cextpe cextep
cetexp cetepx cetxep cetxpe cetpxe cetpex ctpeex ctpexe ctpeex ctpexe
ctpxee ctpxee ctepex ctepxe cteepx cteexp ctexep ctexpe cteepx cteexp
ctepex ctepxe ctexpe ctexep ctxeep ctxepe ctxeep ctxepe ctxpee ctxpee
txpece txpeec txpcee txpcee txpece txpeec txepce txepec txecpe txecep
txeecp txeepc txcepe txceep txcpee txcpee txcepe txceep txeecp txeepc
txecep txecpe txepce txepec tpxece tpxeec tpxcee tpxcee tpxece tpxeec
tpexce tpexec tpecxe tpecex tpeecx tpeexc tpcexe tpceex tpcxee tpcxee
tpcexe tpceex tpeecx tpeexc tpecex tpecxe tpexce tpexec tepxce tepxec
tepcxe tepcex tepecx tepexc texpce texpec texcpe texcep texecp texepc
tecxpe tecxep tecpxe tecpex tecepx tecexp teexcp teexpc teecxp teecpx
teepcx teepxc tcpexe tcpeex tcpxee tcpxee tcpexe tcpeex tcepxe tcepex
tcexpe tcexep tceexp tceepx tcxepe tcxeep tcxpee tcxpee tcxepe tcxeep
tceexp tceepx tcexep tcexpe tcepxe tcepex tepecx tepexc tepcex tepcxe
tepxce tepxec teepcx teepxc teecpx teecxp teexcp teexpc tecepx tecexp
tecpex tecpxe tecxpe tecxep texecp texepc texcep texcpe texpce texpec

---------- Post updated at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:36 AM ----------

Originally Posted by alister
eeeeee eeeeex eeeeep eeeeee eeeeec eeeeet eeeexe eeeexx eeeexp
Thank you, maybe I don't express clearly, I just want to reorganize the letters, no new letters to be added.

for above sample, in word "expect", there is only two "e", but in your sample output, there are more "e"s.

Last edited by rdcwayx; 03-29-2010 at 08:47 PM..
# 5  
Old 03-30-2010

I think you are looking for permutations: Permutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- one method is:

# @(#) p5	Demonstrate permutations of strings.

use Math::Combinatorics;
use strict;
use warnings;

my ($word) = shift || die(" Must supply a word.\n");
my (@n) = split "", $word;
print " Working on $word, broken apart as \"@n\"\n\n";

print join( "\n", map { join "", @$_ } permute(@n) ), "\n";
print "\n";

producing in one instance:
./p5 abc
 Working on abc, broken apart as "a b c"


and with a replicated letter:
./p5 abb
 Working on abb, broken apart as "a b b"


which means that you may get duplicates from "expect" because there are two instances of "e". You could use sort -u to get rid of those if you don't want them ... cheers, drl
# 6  
Old 03-29-2010
Tested with ksh93, pdksh (mostly ksh88), and bash.

# b: brace expansion term
# e: eval-echo args
# l: a letter from "$@"

for l; do

eval echo "$e"

A sample run:
$ ./ e x p e c t | wc -w

$ ./ e x p e c t | fmt
eeeeee eeeeex eeeeep eeeeee eeeeec eeeeet eeeexe eeeexx eeeexp
eeeexe eeeexc eeeext eeeepe eeeepx eeeepp eeeepe eeeepc eeeept
eeeeee eeeeex eeeeep eeeeee eeeeec eeeeet eeeece eeeecx eeeecp
eeeece eeeecc eeeect eeexee eeexex eeexep eeexee eeexec eeexet
eeexxe eeexxx eeexxp eeexxe eeexxc eeexxt eeexpe eeexpx eeexpp
eeexpe eeexpc eeexpt eeexee eeexex eeexep eeexee eeexec eeexet
eeexce eeexcx eeexcp eeexce eeexcc eeexct eeepee eeepex eeepep
eeepee eeepec eeepet eeepxe eeepxx eeepxp eeepxe eeepxc eeepxt
eeeppe eeeppx eeeppp eeeppe eeeppc eeeppt eeepee eeepex eeepep
eeepee eeepec eeepet eeepce eeepcx eeepcp eeepce eeepcc eeepct
eeeeee eeeeex eeeeep eeeeee eeeeec eeeeet eeeexe eeeexx eeeexp
eeeexe eeeexc eeeext eeeepe eeeepx eeeepp eeeepe eeeepc eeeept
eeeeee eeeeex eeeeep eeeeee eeeeec eeeeet eeeece eeeecx eeeecp
eeeece eeeecc eeeect eexeee eexeex eexeep eexeee eexeec eexeet
eexexe eexexx eexexp eexexe eexexc eexext eexepe eexepx eexepp
eexepe eexepc eexept eexeee eexeex eexeep eexeee eexeec eexeet
eexece eexecx eexecp eexece eexecc eexect eexxee eexxex eexxep
eexxee eexxec eexxet eexxxe eexxxx eexxxp eexxxe eexxxc eexxxt
eexxpe eexxpx eexxpp eexxpe eexxpc eexxpt eexxee eexxex eexxep
eexxee eexxec eexxet eexxce eexxcx eexxcp eexxce eexxcc eexxct
eexpee eexpex eexpep eexpee eexpec eexpet eexpxe eexpxx eexpxp
eexpxe eexpxc eexpxt eexppe eexppx eexppp eexppe eexppc eexppt
eexpee eexpex eexpep eexpee eexpec eexpet eexpce eexpcx eexpcp
eexpce eexpcc eexpct eexeee eexeex eexeep eexeee eexeec eexeet
eexexe eexexx eexexp eexexe eexexc eexext eexepe eexepx eexepp
eexepe eexepc eexept eexeee eexeex eexeep eexeee eexeec eexeet
eexece eexecx eexecp eexece eexecc eexect eepeee eepeex eepeep
eepeee eepeec eepeet eepexe eepexx eepexp eepexe eepexc eepext
eepepe eepepx eepepp eepepe eepepc eepept eepeee eepeex eepeep
eepeee eepeec eepeet eepece eepecx eepecp eepece eepecc eepect
eepxee eepxex eepxep eepxee eepxec eepxet eepxxe eepxxx eepxxp
eepxxe eepxxc eepxxt eepxpe eepxpx eepxpp eepxpe eepxpc eepxpt
eepxee eepxex eepxep eepxee eepxec eepxet eepxce eepxcx eepxcp
eepxce eepxcc eepxct eeppee eeppex eeppep eeppee eeppec eeppet
eeppxe eeppxx eeppxp eeppxe eeppxc eeppxt eepppe eepppx eepppp
eepppe eepppc eepppt eeppee eeppex eeppep eeppee eeppec eeppet
eeppce eeppcx eeppcp eeppce eeppcc eeppct eepeee eepeex eepeep
eepeee eepeec eepeet eepexe eepexx eepexp eepexe eepexc eepext
eepepe eepepx eepepp eepepe eepepc eepept eepeee eepeex eepeep
eepeee eepeec eepeet eepece eepecx eepecp eepece eepecc eepect
exeeee exeeex exeeep exeeee exeeec exeeet exeexe exeexx exeexp
exeexe exeexc exeext exeepe exeepx exeepp exeepe exeepc exeept
exeeee exeeex exeeep exeeee exeeec exeeet exeece exeecx exeecp
exeece exeecc exeect exexee exexex exexep exexee exexec exexet
exexxe exexxx exexxp exexxe exexxc exexxt exexpe exexpx exexpp
exexpe exexpc exexpt exexee exexex exexep exexee exexec exexet
exexce exexcx exexcp exexce exexcc exexct exepee exepex exepep
exepee exepec exepet exepxe exepxx exepxp exepxe exepxc exepxt
exeppe exeppx exeppp exeppe exeppc exeppt exepee exepex exepep
exepee exepec exepet exepce exepcx exepcp exepce exepcc exepct
exeeee exeeex exeeep exeeee exeeec exeeet exeexe exeexx exeexp
exeexe exeexc exeext exeepe exeepx exeepp exeepe exeepc exeept
exeeee exeeex exeeep exeeee exeeec exeeet exeece exeecx exeecp
exeece exeecc exeect exxeee exxeex exxeep exxeee exxeec exxeet
exxexe exxexx exxexp exxexe exxexc exxext exxepe exxepx exxepp
exxepe exxepc exxept exxeee exxeex exxeep exxeee exxeec exxeet
exxece exxecx exxecp exxece exxecc exxect exxxee exxxex exxxep
exxxee exxxec exxxet exxxxe exxxxx exxxxp exxxxe exxxxc exxxxt
exxxpe exxxpx exxxpp exxxpe exxxpc exxxpt exxxee exxxex exxxep
exxxee exxxec exxxet exxxce exxxcx exxxcp exxxce exxxcc exxxct
exxpee exxpex exxpep exxpee exxpec exxpet exxpxe exxpxx exxpxp
exxpxe exxpxc exxpxt exxppe exxppx exxppp exxppe exxppc exxppt
exxpee exxpex exxpep exxpee exxpec exxpet exxpce exxpcx exxpcp
exxpce exxpcc exxpct exxeee exxeex exxeep exxeee exxeec exxeet
exxexe exxexx exxexp exxexe exxexc exxext exxepe exxepx exxepp
exxepe exxepc exxept exxeee exxeex exxeep exxeee exxeec exxeet
exxece exxecx exxecp exxece exxecc exxect expeee expeex expeep
expeee expeec expeet expexe expexx expexp expexe expexc expext
expepe expepx expepp expepe expepc expept expeee expeex expeep
expeee expeec expeet expece expecx expecp expece expecc expect
expxee expxex expxep expxee expxec expxet expxxe expxxx expxxp
expxxe expxxc expxxt expxpe expxpx expxpp expxpe expxpc expxpt
expxee expxex expxep expxee expxec expxet expxce expxcx expxcp
expxce expxcc expxct exppee exppex exppep exppee exppec exppet
exppxe exppxx exppxp exppxe exppxc exppxt expppe expppx expppp
expppe expppc expppt exppee exppex exppep exppee exppec exppet
exppce exppcx exppcp exppce exppcc exppct expeee expeex expeep
expeee expeec expeet expexe expexx expexp expexe expexc expext
expepe expepx expepp expepe expepc expept expeee expeex expeep
expeee expeec expeet expece expecx expecp expece expecc expect

# 7  
Old 03-30-2010
Originally Posted by rdcwayx
Thank you, maybe I don't express clearly, I just want to reorganize the letters, no new letters to be added.

for above sample, in word "expect", there is only two "e", but in your sample output, there are more "e"s.
Sorry. I misunderstood. Here's a different sh solution that should adhere to your requirements:

# l: letter
# w: word

pick() {
    local l
    if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
        for l; do
            pick "$@"
            set -- "$@" $l
        echo $w

pick "$@"

A test run:
$ ./ a    

$ ./ a b

$ ./ a b b

$ ./ a b c

$ ./ e x p e c t | wc -l

$ # The first and last 5
$ ./ e x p e c t | sed 5,715d 


Last edited by alister; 03-30-2010 at 01:14 PM..
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting

how to generate a list of files

Hello people I need to find a way to generate a file that contains the names of all *.jpg files that were generated after a specific date The search should start in my current folder and recursively search inner folders It would be best to list the file names one below the other in the output... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: jasongr
3 Replies
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