Get all the values matched in perl

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# 1  
Old 11-10-2009
Get all the values matched in perl


I have sentences like this:

@str=("An ribonucleic acid (RNA)-binding protein, started its expression in the daughter cells","Elucidation of the mechanism of retinal degeneration of RNA-binding protein","Rna binding protein is an important protein","In the retinal degenerative process following enucleation of rna binding protein");

If user queries with the term "rna binding protein" is should retrieve all the sentences.

The output should be like this.

An ribonucleic acid (RNA)-binding protein, started its expression in the daughter cells

Elucidation of the mechanism of retinal degeneration of RNA-binding protein

Rna binding protein is an important protein

In the retinal degenerative process following enucleation of rna binding protein

But the output i am getting is like this:

Elucidation of the mechanism of retinal degeneration of RNA-binding protein

Rna binding protein is an important protein

In the retinal degenerative process following enucleation of rna binding protein

I have used the following code.

$query="rna binding protein";
$regexp=~ s/\s+/[- \\s]/gi;
foreach $str (@str)
    print "<br> Match sentences --- > $str <br>";

The output i got was like this:

Elucidation of the mechanism of retinal degeneration of RNA-binding protein

Rna binding protein is an important protein

In the retinal degenerative process following enucleation of rna binding protein

But the output i want should be like this:

An ribonucleic acid (RNA)-binding protein, started its expression in the daughter cells

Elucidation of the mechanism of retinal degeneration of RNA-binding protein

Rna binding protein is an important protein

In the retinal degenerative process following enucleation of rna binding protein

How can i get all sentences for the specified term in perl?

Any suggestions??

# 2  
Old 11-10-2009
$query="rna binding protein";
$regexp=~ s/\s+/[- \\s]/gi;
foreach $str (@str)
    print "<br> Match sentences --- > $str <br>";

first: u don't rly know how much words will use user isn't ?
so it can be "rna binding protein" or "protein binding rna mechanism started"
if so u have to make regexp using () to define every word as $1 $2 $3 etc then use them in search through array

second: i didn't got this "$regexp=~ s/\s+/[- \\s]/gi;" at all.. what should that mean?
u replacing every 1+ spaces of any kind (space,tab,end of line etc) with [- \\s] ??
i believe u was trying to do s/[- \\s]/ /g; but did wrong

try to use this for your specific case (when there's 3 words for search):
$query="rna binding protein";
($regexp=$query)=~/(\w+?)\s+(\w+?)\s+(\w+?)/; # so it will get only letter/numbers and _ from search string

# or even like this:

# or this

foreach (@str)
# choose and use 1 of the examples
print "<br>Match sentences --> $_<br>\n" if /(?:$1|$2|$3)/gi; # in case if match any of those words
print "<br>Match sentences --> $_<br>\n" if /(?:$1.*?$2.*?$3)/i; # in case if match exactly as user said "rna binding protein" but ignoring any ) ( - etc and even if it will be "rnabindngprotein" - still match. but won't match if user searching rna-binding-protein

but still there can be many words or just 1 word so the code need more work on depending on your needs

Last edited by tip78; 11-10-2009 at 09:33 AM..
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