Copy part of a variable

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# 1  
Old 11-09-2009
Copy part of a variable


i was using a input file to get the last line of the file.But now i have stored
the values from the file to a variable and want the last line from the variable . Slightly confused on how to extract that data from the variable.

previous code,
cat input.txt
grep "<TIME>" input.txt > temp.txt
cat temp.txt
echo `tail -1 temp.txt` >temp.txt
in the temp file i got <TIME>16:15:48</TIME>

now i dont want to use this temp file instead i want to put these in a variable and get the same output in that variable.
any help will be appreciated

---------- Post updated at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:29 PM ----------

Now i am trying to remove the temp file and use variable to do all the work done by temp file.

code now,
h=`grep "<TIME>" input.txt`
f=`echo $h|tail -1 `

this code is not working
i get
echo $h
<TIME>00:15:48</TIME> <TIME>15:15:20</TIME> <TIME>22:14:40</TIME><TIME>18:19:32</TIME> <TIME>16:15:48</TIME>

and also $f
<TIME>00:15:48</TIME> <TIME>15:15:20</TIME> <TIME>22:14:40</TIME><TIME>18:19:32</TIME> <TIME>16:15:48</TIME>
# 2  
Old 11-09-2009
this code works in bash...

f=$(grep  "<TIME>"  input.txt | tail -1)

echo $f

# 3  
Old 11-09-2009
Hey thanks this code works equally good.
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