program in loop.

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# 1  
Old 10-23-2009
program in loop.

eg: sample.dat

21111111110000652 B86860003OLFXXX0000001_20081227
21111111110000652 B86860003ODL-SP0000002_20081227
24444444440000655 E71060002OLFXXX0000014_20081227
24444444440000655 E71060002ODL-SP0000015_20081227

I Want to write a program in ksh script in such a way (while read line do) that the out txt file should look like below


21111111110000652 B86860003OLFXXX000000120081227 0000002 0000003
24444444440000655 E71060002OLFXXX000001420081227 0000015

# 2  
Old 10-23-2009
What is the algorithm to transform the input to the output?

What do you have to do to it?
# 3  
Old 10-23-2009

Is there any chance you might tell us where 0000002, etc. might come from?
# 4  
Old 10-23-2009
Pls read my earlier posting on this.

Originally Posted by scottn

Is there any chance you might tell us where 0000002, etc. might come from?
# 5  
Old 10-23-2009
Sorry. I didn't realise that this was a double post!!
# 6  
Old 10-23-2009
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