Hide status value from awk system command

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# 1  
Old 10-12-2009
Hide status value from awk system command

When i use the system( ) function inside a awk, i am getting the ouput with a 0 appended in a new line.

Can someone guide me to eliminate the extra line containing 0.

Ex :

awk -F"|" '{print system("convert.sh" $1}'

The output is displayed with 0 in a new line.


I expect the o/p as follows :


# 2  
Old 10-12-2009
A possible workaround:

awk -F"|" '{"convert.sh" $1|getline converted; print converted}'

# 3  
Old 10-12-2009
Thanks for your help, but quiet unfortunately doesn't work. Is there any other help.
# 4  
Old 10-12-2009
Originally Posted by muruganksk
Thanks for your help, but quiet unfortunately doesn't work. Is there any other help.
Is that the o/p the doesn't return the expected or the awk command that fails? What error message?

Give it another try like this:
 awk -F"|" '{sprintf("convert.sh %s",$2) |getline cvrtd;print cvrtd}' file

# 5  
Old 10-12-2009
That's a weird print command. The system function returns the exit code of the command, the 0 is the return code of your command.

What are you trying to achieve? Clarify your question.
Post your code within code tags and be more precise, the code you posted isn't correct.
# 6  
Old 10-12-2009
Thanks a lot for the valuable help..

The command that you gave last worked fine, but then the issue am facing now is i need to print some values before the execution of script.

This is what actually am trying for :

awk -F"|" '{print $1,$2,$3,system("echo" $4),$5,$6,system("convert.sh" $12 $13 $9 $10)}' input_file

when i was trying this command i was facing the issue with the exit status.

But then the command you provided replaced the system , but then i am not able to get the previous values printed.

Please advise..

---------- Post updated at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:23 PM ----------

To make it more precise :

The input file content:

file name : input_file

2012                 | TEST | TEST1   |              14031 |      276500 |  TST2               |  334FAAA     |       124706 |       274506 |      2142767 |       346329 |  x'55'         |  x'4F'                 |            0 |       40 |        0

Code tried :

Code :

awk -F"|" '{print $1,$2,$3,system("echo" $4),$5,$6,system("convert.sh" $12 $13 $9 $10)}' input_file

Expected output :

2012 TEST TEST1 14031 276500 TST2 2012 TEST TEST1 14031 276500 TST2 v7126-6528-6230-6530-YOA1-274506-85-79-2142767

the last value v7126-6528-6230-6530-YOA1-274506-85-79-2142767 is the output from the convert.sh.

But the output that i currently get is :

2012 TEST TEST1 14031 
0 276500 TST2 v7126-6528-6230-6530-YOA1-274506-85-79-2142767

Thanks !

---------- Post updated 10-13-09 at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous update was 10-12-09 at 10:42 PM ----------

Can somebody help??

Last edited by Franklin52; 10-12-2009 at 02:15 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags!!
# 7  
Old 10-12-2009
How about something like this:

awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[ |]+" } { "./convert.sh " $12 $13 $9 $10 | getline con; "echo " $4 | getline ech; print $1,$2,$3, ech, $5, $6, con; }' input_file

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