Split these into many ...(/etc/group)!!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Split these into many ...(/etc/group)!!
# 8  
Old 10-12-2009

Thanks !! but i did not understand what important info....

even with awk -F':' ' , i m getting same result...

bash-3.00$ D='abhi:!:34971:3418:abhi k, Sys Admin Level 3:/home/users/abhi:/bin/ksh'
bash-3.00$ echo $D|awk -F':' '{$1=$2=$3=$4="";sub("^    ","");print}'
abhi k, Sys Admin Level 3 /home/users/abhi /bin/ksh
bash-3.00$ echo $D|awk -F':' '{$1=$2=$3=$4="";sub("^    ","");print}'|cut -d "/" -f1
abhi k, Sys Admin Level 3

would appreciate if you can point-out !!

# 9  
Old 10-19-2009
awk -F ':' '{print $5}' /etc/passwd
# 10  
Old 10-20-2009


now i badly need advice...

I have a fingerprinting tool thru which i generate a lot of data in CSVs.

I need all of information in /etc/group file.

lets say,i want to get following line in my CSV.My requirement here is bit tricky.I want 2 separate entries in CSV for following line.


should look like

bin 2 root
bin 2 bin

now this is how i have written command lines in my fingerprinting tool:

ParentFamily : Host etcGroup


cat /etc/group |awk '{print $1}' | cut -d ":" -f1


A=`cat /etc/group | awk -F':' '{if ($1 == "@@Host etcGroup.GroupName@@" ) print $3}'`
echo $A


A=`cat /etc/group | awk -F':' '{if ($1 == "@@Host etcGroup.GroupName@@" ) print $4}'`

B=`echo $A|wc -w`

C=`echo $A|grep "\,"|wc -l`

D=`echo $A|awk -F',' '{ print NF }'`

if [ $B = 0 ]
echo NULL

if [ $B = 1 ]
   if [ $C = 0 ]
   echo $A

As you can see,i am stuck at 'XXXXXX' place.I am not sure what to write there to get what is required .

# 11  
Old 10-20-2009
# echo 'bin:!:2:root,bin' | awk -F'[:|,]' 'END{for(i=3;++i<=NF;)print $1,$3,$i}'
bin 2 root
bin 2 bin

You are not stuck, just make your life complicated.
# 12  
Old 10-20-2009

well...thanks for this !!

echo 'bin:!:2:root,bin' | awk -F'[:|,]' 'END{for(i=3;++i<=NF;)print $1,$3,$i}'
bin 2 root
bin 2 bin

but the fingerprinting engine does not work this way.I have defined 3 columns totally ,'GroupName' being first and am fetching 'GroupName' in next 2columns.

whatever data i want to see in CSV,tool has to generate it...its a complicated thing ....can't help it !!

to get something like 'bin:!:2:root,bin' before passing to 'awk',i need to write additonal lines and even after it may not work.

I'll try this and would post my update.

# 13  
Old 10-26-2009
This problem has been dealt with in a different thread, recently.
# 14  
Old 10-27-2009

Can you point me to that thread pls?

By the way,i found solution to my issue...i divided my code into parent-child relationship and wrote following lines for child fingerprint....the 'while' loop is not mine..i took it from very this forum....

A=`cat /etc/group | awk -F':' '{if ($1 == "@@Host etcGroup.GroupName@@" ) print $4}'`

B=`echo $A|wc -w`

if [ $B = 0 ]
echo NULL
count=`echo $A| nawk -F, {'print NF'}`
while [ $i -le $count ]
str[$i]=`echo $A| cut -d, -f${i}`
echo "${str[$i]}"
i=`expr $i + 1`

Thanks to everyone who responded !!

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