Automation shell scripting

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Automation shell scripting
# 1  
Old 09-29-2009
Automation shell scripting

Hi All,

Consider my script is getting input [interactive mode] from user under utc/stb path. I should automate the script by reading inputs from .txt file. Whenever script is prompting for input, it should read from input file. Now, i have to create a script in different path that should run my old script by reading input from txt file.Can anyone help me on this?

# 2  
Old 09-29-2009
You mean :
I have an interactive shellscript waiting for user input, I have to now run the shell script in batch mode using a file as input.
Is that so?
# 3  
Old 09-29-2009
Originally Posted by vbe
You mean :
I have an interactive shellscript waiting for user input, I have to now run the shell script in batch mode using a file as input.
Is that so?

Yes, u r rite...
# 4  
Old 09-29-2009

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# 5  
Old 09-30-2009
I have understood the rules..please any one help me..
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