Mean of the specific columns

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Mean of the specific columns
# 8  
Old 09-28-2009
NM_0    1.22    CR5    0.366  n_21663  0.4  n_1664  0.1  n_21665  0.64
NM_11    1.36    AK09   0.44  n_19168  0.9 n_19169 -0.02

How do you get 0.64?

If just attach the column 5 and 4, you can use below code:

awk '{
    ind=sprintf("%s %s %s",$1,$2,$3)
    s[ind]=s[ind] " " $5 " " $4
    for(i in t) printf "%s %.3f %s\n",i,t[i]/n[i],s[i]
}' file

# 9  
Old 09-28-2009
Working great, really innovative awk command Mr Ripat. Thank you

---------- Post updated at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:02 PM ----------

hey Guys If you don't mind could you plz explain the code.
# 10  
Old 09-28-2009
awk '{
    # create an index composed by the concatanation of fields 1 to 3
    ind=sprintf("%s %s %s",$1,$2,$3)

    # array that compute the total for every line having the same $1,$2,$3

    # this one counts the number of lines processed for every line having the same $1,$2,$3

    # here we concatenate the fields 5 and 4 for every line having the same $1,$2,$3
    s[ind]=s[ind] " " $5 " " $4

    # alternative to get rid of the extra space
    s[ind]=sprintf("%s%s%s %s", s[ind], s[ind]?" ":"", $5, $4)

# when all lines have been processed, we traverse the respective arrays and compute the average
    for(i in t) printf "%s %.3f %s\n",i,t[i]/n[i],s[i]

# 11  
Old 09-28-2009
awk '{
key=sprintf("%s %s %s",$1,$2,$3)
crr[key]=sprintf("%s %s",crr[key],$5)
for (i in arr)
 print i" "arr[i]/brr[i]" "crr[i]

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