epoch conversion

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# 1  
Old 09-01-2009
epoch conversion

I need to convert an epoch time from a file into a standard UTC time and output it in the same format but I'm not sure what's the best approach

here's the input file and the bold part is what I need to convert.


I want the output file to look like this

3,Tue Aug 25 11:02:01 2009,"E:",0,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:03:01 2009,"E:",8,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:04:01 2009,"E:",17,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:05:01 2009,"E:",8,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:06:01 2009,"E:",25,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:07:01 2009,"E:",34,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:08:01 2009,"E:",145,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:09:01 2009,"E:",1646,0
3,Tue Aug 25 11:10:01 2009,"E:",8,0

So I googled around and wrote some lines but I don't think it's the way to do it.


#skip 1st 2 lines and grab the epoch time
tail +3 file1| awk -F',' '{print $2}' > /temp/time

## replace the epoch time with UTC
for time in `cat /temp/time| awk '{print $1}'`
perl -e 'print scalar localtime ('$time'), "\n"'


rm /temp/time

I now have the time converted but how do I output it in the same format ?
I don't script too often as you can see and would appreciate assistance.

# 2  
Old 09-01-2009
Try something like this :

head -2 inputfile.txt > op.txt

for i in `tail +3 rem.txt`
time=`echo $i | awk -F, '{ print $2}'`
con=`perl -e 'print scalar localtime ('$time')'`
grep "$time" inputfile.txt | sed s/"$time"/"$con"/ >> op.txt

# 3  
Old 09-01-2009

Originally Posted by panyam
Try something like this :

head -2 inputfile.txt > op.txt

for i in `tail +3 inputfile.txt`
time=`echo $i | awk -F, '{ print $2}'`
con=`perl -e 'print scalar localtime ('$time')'`
grep "$time" inputfile.txt | sed s/"$time"/"$con"/ >> op.txt

Brilliant. You're a genius. I get it. Gotta learn more and practice.
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