Set default app for file type on Mac

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Set default app for file type on Mac
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Old 08-14-2009
Question Set default app for file type on Mac

Hi there,

We have 2 apps on our customers machines that can both open files with the same file extension. Is there any way via shell commands to set which application should be the default?

Essentially, I'm hoping to replicate Get Info > Open With > Change All using a shell script, but I just can't find a way of doing it. I thought lsregister might be the way, but no luck Smilie

Thanks in advance!
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STDLIB(7)						   Erlang Application Definition						 STDLIB(7)

The STDLIB is mandatory in the sense that the minimal system based on Erlang/OTP consists of Kernel and STDLIB. The STDLIB application con- tains no services. CONFIGURATION
The following configuration parameters are defined for the STDLIB application. See app(5) for more information about configuration parame- ters. shell_esc = icl | abort : This parameter can be used to alter the behaviour of the Erlang shell when ^G is pressed. restricted_shell = module() : This parameter can be used to run the Erlang shell in restricted mode. shell_catch_exception = bool() : This parameter can be used to set the exception handling of the Erlang shell's evaluator process. shell_history_length = integer() >= 0 : This parameter can be used to determine how many commands are saved by the Erlang shell. shell_prompt_func = {Mod, Func} | default : where * Mod = atom() * Func = atom() This parameter can be used to set a customized Erlang shell prompt function. shell_saved_results = integer() >= 0 : This parameter can be used to determine how many results are saved by the Erlang shell. SEE ALSO
app(5) , application(3erl) , shell(3erl) , Ericsson AB stdlib 1.17.3 STDLIB(7)