Bash for image resize using ImageMagick

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# 1  
Old 08-12-2009
Question Bash for image resize using ImageMagick

Hi all,

I have a FreeNAS server hosting all of my images. The original images are high resolution. What I would like to do is 2 parts:

1. do a batch resize of all of the images so I have web-friendly version and print ready version
2. run a cron job to apply the bash to any "new" files

First I want to tackle the bash script. As far as I can tell, these are the things that I must take into account:

1. I have a directory structure that I want to duplicate and maintain
2. I want to keep the originals
3. I want a duplicate that is web-friendly
4. Original dir is "./pictures"
5. New dir is "./resized"
6. Script will live in the "/pictures" dir
7. Identify new images

I think that is it! Smilie

I know how to copy the structure but I don't think that Imagemagick will check recursively by itself. That is where I am stuck.

I'm relatively new to bash, but here is what I have so far:


# find all directories, copy structure

find . -type d | cpio -pvdm ../resized

# creates the new image, move to new dir

for f in *.jpg;
    echo "Processing $f"
    convert -resize "50%"  \
        $f ./resized/$f

The copy of the image "$f ./resized/$f" will just be dumped into the root of "/resized". So I am stuck there too.

I'm also wondering about the logic for the next step of checking for new images, then running the convert part on that. Is there a command that will compare the dir and identify the new files?

I appreciate any help!

# 2  
Old 08-13-2009
This code copy in Dir2 the files of Dir1 if the file don't exist en Dir2
for file in `find $Dir1  -type f `
	name=`basename $file`
	if [ ! -f "$Dir2/$name" ]
	  cp $file $Dir2

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