Modify sections of the line in a file

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# 1  
Old 07-29-2009
Modify sections of the line in a file

I have a line in a file which I have to edit:

the line looks like:

Sometimes, the section of the line can have only one entry for cn, or maybe more than 2 like below:

I have a variable which has the following value:

I need to replace the part of the line (cn=ABC)(cn=DEF) with $CN

Please help!

# 2  
Old 07-29-2009
sed "s/\(<.*|\)\((cn=.*\)\()\)\((.*>\)/\1$CN\3\4/p" file

# 3  
Old 07-29-2009
is this a cognos application? i used to work with cognos 8 before.
# 4  
Old 07-30-2009
I need to modify entire file starting from the 3 line. file looks like this
filename : exp

first line

also i have to replace the third content from 3 line by a counter . so the output should look like this:

first line

here 1, 2 is a type of incrementing counter ...

please help Smilie
# 5  
Old 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by ciba
I need to modify entire file starting from the 3 line. file looks like this
filename : exp

first line

also i have to replace the third content from 3 line by a counter . so the output should look like this:

first line

here 1, 2 is a type of incrementing counter ...

please help Smilie
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