extract unique pattern from large text file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting extract unique pattern from large text file
# 15  
Old 07-27-2009
Sorry bro

Just omit -v option from

only use
grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-" filename
# 16  
Old 07-27-2009
done , and this is the output

linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop # grep -wv "[0-9]\{5\}-" text11.txt
linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop #

I wanted 12345- and 23456- to come in the result,which dint come.

Originally Posted by pritish.sas

Put all these thing in a file and then
grep -wv "[0-9]\{5\}-" filename

Try to fire it again in ur shell
# 17  
Old 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by pritish.sas

Put all these thing in a file and then
grep -wv "[0-9]\{5\}-" filename

Try to fire it again in ur shell
Why do you need to increase the font size? If that is intentional, its not encouraged here.
# 18  
Old 07-27-2009
yes , it worked for the set of data you gave

linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop # grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-" text11.txt
linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop #

But dint work with my test file with this contents


and I wanted
34534-34534534534534534534534 to appear in the result

Whether the tips are working or not I am really happy to see the helping minds from the community , the real power of community , thanks to everyone who responded.


Originally Posted by pritish.sas
Sorry bro

Just omit -v option from

only use
grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-" filename
# 19  
Old 07-27-2009
Try it , and be cool

I am using opensuse, i tried it's working fine. Just add one * after hypen(-)

grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-*" filename
# 20  
Old 07-27-2009
Hey..that syntax worked...

linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop # grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-*" text.txt
linux-kmy7:/home/shiju.joseph/Desktop #

thanks Pritish , thanks for your support.


Originally Posted by pritish.sas
I am using opensuse, i tried it's working fine. Just add one * after hypen(-)

grep -w "[0-9]\{5\}-*" filename
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