match range of different numbers by AWK

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting match range of different numbers by AWK
# 15  
Old 07-24-2009
c1    5    120    +    5,10,5,10,20    0,25,40,75,95

c1    5    10    5    120    +    5,10,5,10,20    0,25,40,75,95
    30    40                    
    45    60                    
    80    90

The third line should be:

45    50

and not

45    60

Or I'm missing something?

As far as the second task is concerned, you said:

2task.if the 6th column of inputs contains "-" (Minus symbol) then 1st value of 7th column adds with 1st value of 8th column and produce new value in second column of output and then 1st value of 7th column (same one) adds with 2nd value of 8th column and produce new value in third column of output and so on.Finally every thing will be placed in reverse order. It looks like this
25    85    -    2    5,4    0,56
25+0=25  25+5=30  
25+56=81 81+4=85

The first value of the 7th column (actually it's the fifth column in your original input) is 2, not 25? 25 is the second column in the original input ...

Could you clarify Smilie
# 16  
Old 07-24-2009
First of all I have to say sorry for errors in posting. Please excuse me for this time. You are right about the errors.

I'm including new inputs


c1	5	120	+	5,10,5,10,20	0,25,40,75,95
c1	5	120	-	5,10,5,10,20	0,25,40,75,95


c1	5	10	5	120	+	5,10,5,10,20	0,25,40,75,95
	30	40					
	45	60					
	80	90					
	100	120	

c1	120	100	5	120	-	5,10,5,10,20	0,25,40,75,95
	90	80					
	45	60					
	40	30				
	10	5

All the original inputfiles are exactly looks like input1.
The Amazing Awk script that u have developed is for OUTPUT.

My request is to modify the script that suitable to OUTPUT.

Last edited by repinementer; 07-24-2009 at 06:02 AM..
# 17  
Old 07-24-2009
I understand how you calculate the lower bound of the range.
I don't understand how you calculate the upper bound.
Could you try to elaborate further?

first record

c1    5    120    +    5,10,5,10,20    0,25,40,75,95

relevant columns

+    5,10,5,10,20    0,25,40,75,95

So, for the lower bound - the new second column - we have:

5 + 0 = 5
5 + 25 = 30
5 + 40 = 45
and so on...

Could you explain how the new third column (the upper bound) should be calculated? How you get the following numbers:


# 18  
Old 07-24-2009
Well the low bound values adds with 5,10,15,10,20 and produce upperbound

+    5,10,15,10,20    0,25,40,75,95

5 + 0 = 5
5 + 25 = 30
5 + 40 = 45
and so on...

5 + 5 = 10
30 +10 = 40
45 + 15 = 60
80 + 10 = 90
100 + 20 = 120

Last edited by repinementer; 07-24-2009 at 06:42 AM..
# 19  
Old 07-24-2009
so, as I already mentioned, your example output was wrong.

Your original input file contains:


and not:


# 20  
Old 07-24-2009
Thst why I mentioned in Bold :-(

---------- Post updated at 02:07 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:05 AM ----------

The book you have suggested is really Awesome.
# 21  
Old 07-24-2009
given the following input:

zsh-4.3.10[t]% cat infile
c1      5       120     +       5,10,15,10,20   0,25,40,75,95
c1      5       120     -       5,10,15,10,20   0,25,40,75,95

This code:

awk '{
  fifth = split($5, _fifth, ","); sixth = split($6, _sixth, ",")
  counter = 0; key = $1; flag = $4; sub(/[^ \t*]*/, "")
  dummy = sprintf("%*s", length(key),x)
  for (i=1; i<=sixth; i++) {
    second_third = _fifth[1] + _sixth[i] FS _fifth[i] + _fifth[1] + _sixth[i]
    third_second = _fifth[i] + _fifth[1] + _sixth[i] FS _fifth[1] + _sixth[i] 
    if (flag == "+") 
      rec = rec ? rec RS dummy OFS second_third : key OFS second_third OFS $0
      rec_rev = rec_rev ? \
        (++counter == sixth - 1 ? key OFS third_second OFS $0 : dummy OFS third_second ) RS rec_rev : \
        dummy OFS third_second
  print (flag == "+" ? rec : rec_rev)    
 }' OFS='\t' ORS='\n\n' infile

... produces the following output:

zsh-4.3.10[t]% nawk '{   
  fifth = split($5, _fifth, ","); sixth = split($6, _sixth, ",")
  counter = 0; key = $1; flag = $4; sub(/[^ \t*]*/, "")
  dummy = sprintf("%*s", length(key),x)
  for (i=1; i<=sixth; i++) {
    second_third = _fifth[1] + _sixth[i] FS _fifth[i] + _fifth[1] + _sixth[i]
third_second = _fifth[i] + _fifth[1] + _sixth[i] FS _fifth[1] + _sixth[i]
if (flag == "+")
  rec = rec ? rec RS dummy OFS second_third : key OFS second_third OFS $0
  rec_rev = rec_rev ? \
    (++counter == sixth - 1 ? key OFS third_second OFS $0 : dummy OFS third_second ) RS rec_rev : \
dummy OFS third_second
  print (flag == "+" ? rec : rec_rev)
 }' OFS='\t' ORS='\n\n' infile
c1      5 10            5       120     +       5,10,15,10,20   0,25,40,75,95
        30 40
        45 60
        80 90
        100 120

c1      120 100         5       120     -       5,10,15,10,20   0,25,40,75,95
        90 80
        60 45
        40 30
        10 5

Merging the two scripts is left as an exercise Smilie
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