KSH - Sourced file location

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting KSH - Sourced file location
# 8  
Old 07-01-2009
Originally Posted by Al262
The sample scripts below, I am looking for the location of the sourced b.sh file.

Why? There is rarely a good reason for doing that.
The b.sh file is source by multiple files, so it is not feasible to rely on a "global" variable or passed argument.

Why do you need to rely on anything? Put the script in a directory that is in your $PATH.
Is there any way to determine the location of b.sh within b.sh?

echo "a: <$0>"
ScriptDir=`dirname $0`

There's no need for an external command:


# 9  
Old 07-02-2009
The script is untouched as it migrates throught the life cycle regions with various file sub-systems, such as /common/dev, /common/test, and so on. Specific applications /app1 or /app2 will be invoked from an external scheduler using a parameter. So with in the /app1 script, they run $1/setCommonEnv.sh where $1 is /common/dev or /common/test ...

Within setCommonEnv.sh, i would like to derive which environment I am in, as well as which script or subscript.

Seems very reasonable to be able to walk a call stack.
# 10  
Old 07-02-2009
If you are using ksh93 it can be easily done using the .sh.file builtin parameter
$ cat a.sh

echo "a: $PWD"

. ./ksh93/b.sh

$cat ksh93/b.sh

echo "b: $PWD"
echo "b: ${.sh.file}"
echo "b: ${.sh.file##*/}"
echo "b: ${.sh.file%/*}"

$ ./a.sh
a: /home/fpm
b: /home/fpm
b: /home/fpm/ksh93/b.sh
b: b.sh
b: /home/fpm/ksh93

# 11  
Old 07-02-2009
Exactly what I am looking for. However, the scripts are not running ksh93. I did run through a test cycle here on AIX 5.3, the results are below.
/test> cat a.sh
echo "a: $0"
echo "a: $PWD"
ScriptDir=`dirname $0`
. ./sub/b.sh
/test> cat sub/b.sh
echo "b: $PWD"
echo "b: ${.sh.file}"
echo "b: ${.sh.file##*/}"
echo "b: ${.sh.file%/*}"
/test> ./a.sh
a: ./a.sh
a: /test
b: /test

Thanks for the time and response.
# 12  
Old 07-02-2009
looks like the '.sh.file' is not implemented on AIX's version of ksh93 (among others).
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