grabbing specific column perl

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# 1  
Old 05-26-2009
grabbing specific column perl


I'm new to Perl so be gentle. Given the following script:
open(file, "<file.txt");

@lines = <file>;

$var = print $lines[18];

So I'm printing line 18 of the file "file.txt". I now want the 5th column, minus the forward slash. The line looks like this:

TUV 1/ 3.2/ 4.5/ 3.1/

I tried doing:

print $var | perl -pae '$_="$F[5]\n"';, but i get garbage.

thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 05-27-2009
you are calling perl again inside your perl script. if you want to remove the slash, use s///g syntax.
check perldoc perlretut
# 3  
Old 06-01-2009
not helpful

okay that post was not helpful in the least. I understand not to include perl in the string, I meant to take it out. any other help out there?
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