Need a help in shell scripting

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need a help in shell scripting
# 1  
Old 04-29-2009
Need a help in shell scripting

Hi folks,

My code goes here:

1.  #!/bin/ksh

2.  export LIBPATH=/ediprod6.1/gentran/lib:/usr/local/lib

3.  cd /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/
4.  infiles=`ls *csv 2>/dev/null`    ## List all input files
5.  echo $infiles
6.  if test -n $infiles 2>/dev/null
7.  then
8.    ls *csv|while read i        ## Read each input files
9.    do
10.       dttm=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`
11.       var1=`head -1 $i | cut -d"," -f2`
12.       var2=`head -1 $i | cut -d"," -f3`
13.       var=$var2"_"$var1
14.       echo $var
15.       ./new.$
16.       sleep 5000
17.   done
18. else
19.    echo "NoGAMDE1_KRW71 files today" |mail -s "GAMDE1_KRW71 FILES ${dttm}"
20. fi

In line 4,I have list all the csv files in a working directory.
In line 11,12,13 , I will read the 2nd and 3rd column data and store in varibale called "var" and execute the script.

Note:each csv file may contain different data in 2nd and 3rd column.depending upon the data,it will execute corresponding script.
All the files and corresponding scripts are in the same directory

I want to insert a delay where it should complete the script execution for the first csv filesand read the next csv file data and execute the second corresponding script.

Can anyone help me out where to insert a delay command and how much.the csv files size keeps on changing.sometimes it may contains less data and sometimes more data.

Last edited by Franklin52; 04-29-2009 at 06:44 AM.. Reason: adding code tags
# 2  
Old 04-29-2009
I think it will be best if you could check the return code of the script and if successful, then proceed with the rest of the file processing else warn and exit.

or in a better way, implement a function and pass the csv file name as a parameter and have the function return a code upon successful execution.

Devaraj Takhellambam
# 3  
Old 04-29-2009
Can you help out by written code for 2nd solution
# 4  
Old 04-29-2009
Originally Posted by chandrakala
Can you help out by written code for 2nd solution
You will need to explain what does the script does and see if that can be implemented in a function instead.

Devaraj Takhellambam
# 5  
Old 04-29-2009
are u talking about this script(./new.$ which acts on csv file.
# 6  
Old 04-29-2009
Originally Posted by chandrakala
are u talking about this script(./new.$ which acts on csv file.
Yes. You will need to explain what does that script does on the specified csv file.
# 7  
Old 04-30-2009
Basically I work on EDI file.
The script will convert each record(row) in the CSV file to sterling format.
The number of records keeps varying.

The scripts goes here:


export LIBPATH=/ediprod6.1/gentran/lib:/usr/local/lib

cd /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/

infiles=`ls *csv 2>/dev/null` ## List all input files
if test -n $infiles 2>/dev/null
ls *csv|while read i ## Read each input files

echo "FILE NAME:" >notify.$i.mail
echo "$i" >>notify.$i.mail ## ls in.$i >>notify.$i.mail
###echo "FILE DATA:" >>notify.$i.mail
###cat in.$i >>notify.$i.mail

########### FILE EDITING PROCESS ######################################

sed s/
//g <$i >$i.tmp
mv $i.tmp $i
## Declare unique variable as DateTime(dttm)
dttm=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`

########### END OF FILE EDITING PROCESS ###############################

############## FILE TRANSLATION PROCESS ###############################
rm /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/temp/dtlLog.err
rm /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/temp/xlcntl.err
touch /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/temp/dtlLog.err
touch /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/temp/xlcntl.err

## Translate file
lftran $i "-ofT[TMN91_SPICER]" transport.$i.out.$dttm -cp "/ediprod6.1/gentran"

if [ $res -ne 0 ] ## Check if there is ERROR
##### Generate ERROR DETAILS USING xlcntl.err and dtlLog.err ####

echo "########## ERROR DETAILS FOR $i ##########" >ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt ## Generate Error details txt File

grep "in.*.app" $File_xln >app_lin.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = "/"} {print $NF} ' app_lin.tmp >app_name.tmp

grep "Record count" $File_xln >rec_cnt.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":"} {print $NF } ' rec_cnt.tmp >rec_name.tmp

grep "Translation error count" $File_xln >err_cnt.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":"} {print $NF} ' err_cnt.tmp >err_name.tmp

C=`cat app_name.tmp|wc -l`
###C=`expr $C + 1`

while [ $Line -le $C ];
app_name=`tail +$Line app_name.tmp|head -1`
rec_name=`tail +$Line rec_name.tmp|head -1`
err_num=`tail +$Line err_name.tmp|head -1`

echo "Record Number :$rec_name" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt
grep -n $app_name $File_dtl >file_name.tmp
line_number=`awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":"} {print $1 } ' file_name.tmp`
err_num=`expr $err_num + 1`

while [ $L -lt $err_num ];

####Get Decription
echo "Error Number : $L" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt

if [ $L -eq 1 ]; then
line_number=`expr $line_number + 23`

if [ $L -gt 1 ]; then
line_number=`expr $line_number + 5`

tail +$line_number $File_dtl|head -1 > err_desc.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ">"} {print $2 } ' err_desc.tmp >err_desc1.tmp
err_desc=`awk 'BEGIN {FS = "<"} {print $1 } ' err_desc1.tmp`
echo "Error Description : $err_desc" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt

####Get Element Name
line_number=`expr $line_number + 19`
tail +$line_number $File_dtl|head -1 > elm_name.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ">"} {print $2 } ' elm_name.tmp >elm_name1.tmp
elm_name=`awk 'BEGIN {FS = "<"} {print $1 } ' elm_name1.tmp`
echo "Element Name : $elm_name" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt

####Get Value
line_number=`expr $line_number + 4`
tail +$line_number $File_dtl|head -1 > elm_value.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ">"} {print $2 } ' elm_value.tmp >elm_value1.tmp
elm_value=`awk 'BEGIN {FS = "<"} {print $1 } ' elm_value1.tmp`
echo "Element Value : $elm_value" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt

L=`expr $L + 1`

echo "---" >>ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt
Line=`expr $Line + 1`

rm *.tmp 2>/dev/null
########## END of Generate ERROR#########

## Send ERROR notification via email
uuencode ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt ErrorDetail_of_$i.txt |mailx -s "PROBLEM TRANSLATING TMN91 SPICER FILE named $i. FILE MOVED TO ERROR"
## mv in.$i.$dttm /ediprod6.1/gentran/error

rm $i 2>/dev/null
rm transport.$i.out.$dttm 2>/dev/null
rm notify.$i.mail 2>/dev/null

if [ $ERROR -ne 1 ] ## If there is no ERROR
echo " " >>notify.$i.mail
grep ^TRL transport.$i.out.$dttm | wc -l >>notify.$i.mail

## Send Notification email
cat notify.$i.mail |mail -s "TMN91 Spicer FILES ${dttm}"

## Script to remove multiple HDR TRL (HT)

## trl=0
## inFile=transport.$i.out.$dttm
## resultFile=resultFile.tmp
## head -1 $inFile >>$resultFile
## trl=`grep ^TRL $inFile |wc -l`
## sed -e /^HDR/d $inFile >> tempFile1
## sed -e /^TRL/d tempFile1 >> $resultFile
## rm tempFile1
## tail=$trl
## echo "TRL|"`expr $trl`>>$resultFile

## Script Separate
C=`cat $FILE|wc -l`
C=`expr $C + 1`
while [ $Line -lt $C ];
touch $F_Count.tmp
temp_line=`tail +$Line $FILE|head -1`
start=`echo $temp_line|cut -c 1-3`
if [ $start != "TRL" ]; then
echo $temp_line>>$F_Count.tmp
echo $temp_line>>$F_Count.tmp
F_Count=`expr $F_Count + 1`
Line=`expr $Line + 1`

## INV Manipulator
while [ $File_C -lt $F_Count ];
INV=`grep ^INV $File_C.tmp` # INV = INV line of current file
if [ "$INV" != "" ]; then
INV1=`cat $File_C.tmp|grep ^INV|cut -d "|" -f2`
INV3=`cat $File_C.tmp|grep ^INV|cut -d "|" -f4`
INV_O=`echo $INV3` ## INV3 original
cat $File_C.tmp|grep ^SHP|cut -d "|" -f16 > SHP_F15.tmp
F=`expr $File_C + 1`
while [ $F -lt $F_Count ] ;
INV_F1=`cat $F.tmp|grep ^INV|cut -d "|" -f2`
if [ "$INV_F1" = "$INV1" ];then
SHP_F15=`cat $F.tmp|grep ^SHP|cut -d "|" -f16`
echo $SHP_F15>>SHP_F15.tmp
## Delete INV line from $F.tmp ##
touch temp.tmp
grep -v "^INV" $F.tmp > temp.tmp
cat temp.tmp>$F.tmp
rm temp.tmp
F=`expr $F + 1`
## Replace INV3 ##
awk 'BEGIN{AMT=0}{
END{printf("%.2f",AMT)}' SHP_F15.tmp> INV3.tmp
INV3=`cat INV3.tmp`
echo $INV>INV.tmp
sed s/"|$INV_O|"/"|$INV3|"/ INV.tmp>temp.tmp
cat temp.tmp>INV.tmp
rm temp.tmp
touch temp.tmp
INV_New=`cat INV.tmp`
sed s/"$INV"/"$INV_New"/ $File_C.tmp > temp.tmp
cat temp.tmp>$File_C.tmp
rm temp.tmp
touch temp.tmp
File_C=`expr $File_C + 1`

## Script Merge
rm temp.tmp 2>/dev/null
touch temp.tmp
while [ $File_C -lt $F_Count ];
cat $File_C.tmp>>temp.tmp 2>/dev/null
File_C=`expr $File_C + 1`
cat temp.tmp>FILE_merge.tmp
rm temp.tmp 2>/dev/null

### removing Multiple HRD TRL
rm resultFile.tmp tempFile.tmp 2>/dev/null
touch resultFile.tmp tempFile.tmp

head -1 FILE_merge.tmp >>resultFile.tmp
tail=`grep ^HDR FILE_merge.tmp |wc -l`
sed -e /^HDR/d FILE_merge.tmp >> tempFile.tmp
sed -e /^TRL/d tempFile.tmp >> resultFile.tmp
echo "TRL|"`expr $tail`>>resultFile.tmp

cat resultFile.tmp>transport_transport_110.SPICER.$dttm ## Create Output file
rm $resultFile
rm *.tmp 2>/dev/null
########## END OF TRANSLATION PROCESS ##################

## Move Translated output file to FTP
###mv transport_transport_110.100998.* /ediprod6.1/gentran/ftp_trans_ran 2>/dev/null
mv transport_transport_110.SPICER.* /ediprod6.1/gentran/comm_EUROCSV/test 2>/dev/null

## Update in Legal( infile and notification ) directory
cat $i >/ediprod6.1/gentran/legal/FEDXSMART/$dttm 2>/dev/null
cat notify.$i.mail >/ediprod6.1/gentran/legal/FEDXSMART/$dttm 2>/dev/null

## move infile in "Legal/CLIENT" directory
mv $i /ediprod6.1/gentran/legal/EURO/TMN91/in.dane1.$dttm 2>/dev/null


## Remove all temp files
rm notify* 2>/dev/null
rm in* 2>/dev/null
rm *out 2>/dev/null
rm out* 2>/dev/null
rm transport* 2>/dev/null
rm *.csv 2>/dev/null

echo "No TMN91 Spicer files today" |mail -s "TMN91 Spicer ${dttm}"


Thanks for your time.
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