I want to pass a variable to a script which will execute a a sql script to read a table that contains env. variables. I want to read and then somehow export at unix level variables
for every row selected from the table build export command line
field1 := 'export SHELL = /app/pasf/sqr; ';
I some how need to get these back to unix korn script so I can create the variable at the unix level. It will be valid only while the session is open.
Not sure the best way to do this.
So far I created a the following(its just a start):
output is
EXPORT PARMS= /unixsxxx/apps/psf/zzz/CCC/
EXPORT SHELL= /unixsxxx/apps/psf/zzz/CCC/
EXPORT SQL= /unixsxxx/apps/psf/zzz/CCCC/
EXPORT SQR= /unixsxx/apps/psf/zzz/
Last edited by TimHortons; 04-14-2009 at 08:50 AM..
Reason: code tag added
Hey all thanks, I did some research and I found infor on UTIL_FILE. Quesion with regrads to this, Do I not need to add the directory I want to the UTIL_FILE_DIR in order to work?
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 33
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 436
ORA-06512: at line 30
Your idea was good but I cannot use UTL_file. I did code using this package, got it to work but discovered that I am running on one server and the output is automatically going to another server which we cannot have access to.
Would anyone have a different approach to returning multiple rows to the calling shell script to set environment variables.
To pass variable values to Oracle SQL you can embed ${} syntax in SQL code inlined as here document.
To retrieve data from a table you can select your values and put a separator in between (I often use a comma as separator); the rows are coming out from sqlplus standard output and you can capture and separate the values using the built in command read.
I can only say that this works with the korn shell; bash should be ok also.
Perhaps I forgot to set some sqlplus variable besides pagesize and the others. The point is to make sqlplus to output only the table rows and nothing more.
Passing credentials to sqlplus directly on the command line allows everyone to learn the password if they can execute the ps command, therefore I prefer to use an explicit connect command inside the sql block.
:myvar is a bind variable. Using a bind variable instead of embedding ${MYVAR} directly into the query has an advantage, namely the query text does not change between successive executions of the sql section even if the value of MYVAR does change; this allows the Oracle optimizer to recognize that the query to be parsed is one that it has already seen and so it does not (hard) parse it again.
Of course if the query is guaranteed to output only one row -- or the rows are ordered (by order by! There are no other means to ensure a particular order) and you are interested only in the first row -- you can do without the while loop:
Another way to capture sqlplus output is to redirect it into a file, perhaps because the query output is already in a form that can be sourced by the shell:
Or you can capture the whole output in a shell variable and then eval it:
I am not sure if this is the correct way to combine the here document construct with the $() syntax, but I remember they can be made to work together.
The bottom line is that you don't need to ask Oracle to open a file, because the data is already coming out from sqlplus standard output.
And, please, don't use a PL/SQL block to output query results via dbms_output, this is just plain silly because sqlplus already does that for you.
Last edited by colemar; 04-19-2009 at 07:29 PM..
Reason: 99
Hello All,
Could you please help me if i am doing anything wrong in below script, especially the sqlplus part performance wise or anything else i could improvise in the script. Thank you.
## Batch Obj Id
## script dir... (6 Replies)
Hi All,
we have requirement, i am created a shell script , inside i am connecting sqlplus and execute the query. below my code for your reference.
get_sqlid ()
set feedback off
set serverout on size... (4 Replies)
I want to truncate a table using sqlplus where the table name is in shell variable:
I am using :
sqlplus -s / <<end
truncate table $TABLE
end (2 Replies)
I am facing an issue wherein some temporary files (here docs) are getting created in /tmp and are not getting deleted automatically.
When i check the list of open files with below command i can see one file is getting appended continuously.(In this case /tmp/sfe7h.34p)
The output is... (4 Replies)
I want to execute a shell script from sqlplus prompt and get its output back to sqlplus. Is this possible?
if yes just give me an example for doing that. (2 Replies)
I am facing the following error in calling the stored procedure from SQLPLUS in unix environment.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> var store number;
SQL> exec test_proc(:store, 200);
BEGIN TEST_PROC(:store, 200); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found... (8 Replies)
I want to use sqlplus from server1
sqlplus usr1/pass1@dns1
and I want to connect to an Oracle database from a server2.
Unfortunately the database was created on the server1 and on server2.
So when I use the command just like that...it connects to the database from the server2. ... (2 Replies)
i'm not new to programming, but i AM new to unix scripting. here's my deal.
this works:
echo "HELLO"
/oracle_home/bin/sqlplus username/password@MYDB<<EOF
echo "GOODBYE"
this doesn't:
echo "HELLO"
for x in 1 2... (4 Replies)
Hi all,
Iam facing a lot of problem while calling Oracle 10g SQLPLUS files from shell.
What is the standard procedures to be taken care.
Any help would be useful for me.
Thanks in advance,
Ganapati. (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I am executing the following code :-
sqlplus -s ${DATABASE_USER} |&
print -p -- 'set feed off pause off pages 0 head off veri off line 500'
print -p -- 'set term off time off serveroutput on size 1000000'
print -p -- "set sqlprompt ''"
print -p -- "SELECT run_command from... (2 Replies)