Excel::Template::Container::Conditional(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Excel::Template::Container::Conditional(3pm) NAME
Excel::Template::Container::Conditional - Excel::Template::Container::Conditional PURPOSE
To provide conditional execution of children nodes NODE NAME
o NAME This is the name of the parameter to test. It is resolved like any other parameter name. (q.v. VAR for more info.) o VALUE If VALUE is set, then a comparison operation is done. The value of NAME is compared to VALUE using the value of OP. o OP If VALUE is set, then this is checked. If it isn't present, then '==' (numeric equality) is assumed. OP must be one of Perl the numeric comparison operators or the string comparison operators. All 6 of each kind is supported. Note: If you want to use < or <=, you must instead use < or <=. This is to make sure it will parse with XML::Parser. You should not need to use > or >= instead of > and >=, respectively. o IS If VALUE is not set, then IS is checked. IS is allowed to be either "TRUE" or "FALSE". The boolean value of NAME is checked against IS. CHILDREN
<if name="__ODD__" is="false"> ... Children here </if> In the above example, the children will be executed if the value of __ODD__ (which is set by the LOOP node) is false. So, for all even iterations. AUTHOR
Rob Kinyon (rob.kinyon@gmail.com) SEE ALSO
LOOP, VAR perl v5.14.2 2010-06-17 Excel::Template::Container::Conditional(3pm)