Thank you for response, but I already tried this solution without success... Well, after 2 days of headaches
I finally solved the issue. I report the solution there in case someone need it.
First download the following ISO:
It contains the kmod-cciss (modified kernel with old cciss driver). Then, this is the procedure:
- Write the ISO with kmod to a USB Key (with linux using dd or in Windows using utilities like USBIMG)
- Burn RHEL7.x ISO and boot from there
-At the very first screen, the one with the options to Install, Check disk and Troubleshoot etc..
hit ESC
-insert the USB memory stick in a USB port;
-you will get a prompt; type here "linux dd" without the quotes, hit enter and wait a while;
-select your USB drive, which probably will be "sdb"
-next select the driver by pressing "1";
-press "c (continue)" and now it will tell you that it is loading the driver;
-you will get back to to the drive list just press "c" one more time;
-the installer will start, and you will get your disks on RHEL installer
After installation we are able to start RHEL7 without issue on old Smart Array. The credit goes to a guy from centos forum, but I loose the page :/