Dear experts,
We are using Linux OS i.e Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0
I log to the server using putty & default shell is
-bash4.2$ echo $SHELL /bin/bash
special character automatically gets returned in my putty.
-bash-4.2$ ~
Also this special character gets returned to the Oracle database running on the server
It's weird because it affects badly our work & this happens even we open files using an editor using 'vi' as well.
Appreciate your reply.
Moderator's Comments:
edit by bakunin: I appreciate your trying to close the first thread, but:
1) We do not want multiple threads with identical problems. Since you cannot close a thread (adding the tag "closed" doesn't help at all), please contact a moderator or administrator if you feel the necessity to do so.
2) You got an answer in fact. If you didn't get more you might ask yourself if you haven't described your problem adequately. Most probably many of the experts here have read your thread and didn't want to answer for some reason. This reason could be anything between "i don't know either" and "this guy isn't worth an answer". In any way, opening more threads won't help this situation. You might as well write a better description, give more data, share investigation results or similar things, which may change the experts opinion - either to "OK, now i know because i understand the problem" or to "this guy seems no longer to be a waste of time".
3) for these reasons the thread here is closed. Feel free to add to your already open thread.