Hi All
• Regarding installing sendmail pkg in server, I tried to install the pkg but getting the below errors as shown below - any idea on this?
• But I have successfully installed sendmail-cf pkg in the server box
• But that is not sufficient we also need to install sendmail pkg
• Help is taken from this URL to install sendmail
csaha@server:~> ls -ltr sen*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 289498 2006-01-26 23:38 sendmail-cf-8.12.8-5.80.1.i386.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 csaha users 1473481 2006-01-26 23:38 sendmail-8.12.8-5.80.1.src.rpm
csaha@server:~> pwd
server:/tmp # rpm -ivh sendmail-8.12.8-5.80.1.src.rpm
warning: sendmail-8.12.8-5.80.1.src.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 01f72129
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
warning: user hany does not exist - using root
warning: group hany does not exist - using root
1:sendmail ########################################### [100%]
server:/tmp # rpm -qi sendmail
package sendmail is not installed
server:/tmp # rpm -qi sendmail-cf
Name : sendmail-cf Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version : 8.12.8 Vendor: Mega & Loman (
Release : 5.80.1 Build Date: Wed Apr 2 00:21:27 2003
Install date: Thu Jan 26 22:59:12 2006 Build Host: w1.md.megaloman.sk
Group : System Environment/Daemons Source RPM: sendmail-8.12.8-5.80.1.src.rpm
Size : 907998 License: BSD
Signature : DSA/SHA1, Wed Apr 2 01:27:47 2003, Key ID 705b82ef01f72129
Packager : Peter Hanecak <hanecak@megaloman.sk>
Summary : The files needed to reconfigure Sendmail.
Description :
This package includes the configuration files you need to generate the
sendmail.cf file distributed with the sendmail package. You will need
the sendmail-cf package if you ever need to reconfigure and rebuild
your sendmail.cf file.
Distribution: M&L Doors 4.0
Thanks & Regards
C Saha