Limit root user of SSH logins

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Limit root user of SSH logins
# 8  
Old 09-17-2013
Limiting to "1" is not the same as limiting to "you".

Change the password, remove keys from authorized_keys; or limit access to your IP in access.conf, or for sshd in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.
# 9  
Old 09-17-2013
why wouldn't you create a group 'sshusers', put your user with user id in that group and 'PermitRootLogin no' and 'AllowGroups sshusers' in openssh-server config? that'd be a kind of security. using pubkeys instead of password authentication is a good choice also.
This User Gave Thanks to spider_fingers For This Post:
# 10  
Old 09-18-2013
@ Scott and spider_fingers,

Both of your ideas are really great! But I already tried to restrict the root user access to the system through SSH in /etc/security/limits.conf
root             hard    maxlogins       2

and also in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
MaxSessions 2

but the root user still able to log in through SSH simultaneity!

I don't know what else should I do, in the same time I just want to know how to limit root access through SSH to the server.

Thanks team
# 11  
Old 09-18-2013
I'm not convinced that you tried either suggestion, because both suggestions should work.

I go back to my original question: "why would you want to do that?" And I can't think of a single reason. If you were a capable Admin you would not have to ask this question.

This thread is going nowhere.

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