Subversion Timestamp Issue

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Subversion Timestamp Issue
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Old 09-26-2011
Subversion Timestamp Issue

Trying to find out the following strange subversion timestamping issue:

- Used $Id$ in my source file and resulted in the following output
$Id: mytest.cpp 1559 2011-09-26 00:47:40Z tanlc $
Check date & time (issue 'date' command) on my local machine, it shows the following:
Mon Sep 26 08:47:50 SGT 2011
Also check date & time on my subversion server, the time is very close to my local machine.

Why is it that subversion time stamping on file is based on GMT time?

I'm using Subversion 1.4.6 on RHEL5 operating system.
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