Needed help in web development where libraries are written in Ruby!!!

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# 1  
Old 12-08-2008
Needed help in web development where libraries are written in Ruby!!!

Hi all,

I have developed a couple of libraries using ruby for my networks project.Its completely done except for a GUI for the front end.
But i am in a fix to know what i need to be using for its development.
I initially had plans of using ROR but there is absolutely no DB management that is done.

The steps that are to be followed
1.take i/p from the user
2.generate a YAML file
3.The ruby library will parse through the YAML file and set up the network topology and display it back on the browser.
4.Upon a YES ,the network will be set up.

I am ready to use any language but the point here being What ever i use,i should be able to run Ruby codes for some sort of final manipulations at the user end.

Could anyone please help me out with this?

# 2  
Old 12-10-2008
It depends on which flavor of Ruby you are using.

If you are using JRuby you could use Netbeans or Monkeybars to
develop a GUI.

If you want a GNOME GUI, you could use Ruby-GNOME2
If you want a KDE GUI, you could use gt4-qruby

Other Ruby GUIs include fxRuby, wxRuby, Shoes, Sugar and Tk.

Lots of information available on the Web.
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