comb/shell sort

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Top Forums Programming comb/shell sort
# 8  
Old 11-07-2002

1. when you are copy pasting the content from a source - , you should give acknowledgement to that source rather than claiming it is yours.

2. These forums are for sharing knowledge - true, but sharing does not mean compensation or replacement to one,s own efforts. A hint is much better than a solution and encourages self reliance and independent thinking. This is especially true for students which I hope everyone here will agree.

3. There are many posts in these forums offering full solutions. Full solutions are intended for people in workplace who need to quickly patch up something / or for people who already covered a good ground and stuck up on a very specific problem.

# 9  
Old 11-07-2002

You are a new member here. Membership is a based on following a simple set of rules. Rules that are for the benefit of all.

I agree with the Moderators and forums members that we do not do students homework for them. Nor, do we post the work of others without referencing their work.

Please enjoy the forums and help us maintain high standards by following the rules.

Thanks so much, Neo.
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