makefile errors

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# 1  
Old 02-19-2008
makefile errors

We are trying to compile an interface from our ERP to vertex tax package. We need to do this in C.
We are on solaris 9 going to oracle 9i on aix.
When we run our makefile we are getting this error

Fatal error -- Assertion failed: file "../src/ild-args.c" line 1613 Exiting

Any help appreciated.
# 2  
Old 02-19-2008
That is the error assert() generates in almost all implementations of C.

I don't know what the problem is, but this is a basic start.

You can run make -d <makefile name>, which will give you reams of diagnostic output, because this is a make runtime error, not a compile error. As a wild guess, you probably have solaris make syntax AIX's make doesn't like. i.e., the parser accepts it but the backside barfs on it. IS your version of AIX make patched to rev level?
# 3  
Old 02-19-2008
I'm not sure that its getting that far that its looking at the oracle environment. The environment is most likely up to date. We use it already for an application on the same solaris server. Just not through a C interface.
We'll give the diagnostics a shot. I am really not familiar with C. any good web pages ?
# 4  
Old 02-19-2008
I think I did a bad job of explaining.

The problem is in the commands given to the make utility. The make utility is throwing an error because it is choking on the input command stream. make -d will show you which line in your makefile causes the problem. I hope. It could be something as simple as a source or object file that got accidentally renamed to be like one of its neighbors.

What you need is a good book on make - Oreilly has one. The forums has an Oreilly link on the home page.
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