Problem with csv file gen from C++

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# 1  
Old 01-05-2008
Problem with csv file gen from C++

Hi Frnds,

I have a problem with csv file gen.

Here is the description:

My code genereates a csv file as output in which a particular column("OUTPUT NUMBER")contains a string value fetched from db.

Now the problem is when i open this csv file the OUTPUT NUMBER column misses the zero("0") digit for example suppose the column has 3 values 01,02,12 then when the file is opened this column will show values as 1,2,12.

Does anyone has a soln for this

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 01-05-2008
Originally Posted by electroon
when i open this csv
open how, with what, where?

Originally Posted by electroon
01,02,12 then when the file is opened this column will show values as 1,2,12.
Presumably that's because it is treating them as numbers, not text.
# 3  
Old 01-05-2008
When i open the csv file with MS excel ya that assumes the field as number not as text but how do i solve this
# 4  
Old 01-05-2008
cat file.csv

show the correct data? If so then that is what matters. MS excel is probably reformatting the data.
# 5  
Old 01-05-2008
Originally Posted by electroon
how do i solve this
Make the data as follows....

# 6  
Old 01-05-2008
Evan including "" doesnt works
# 7  
Old 01-05-2008
Ya wen seen in unix server in csv file data its written correctly that is 01 02..
but wen i open this file using excel in my windows system data is getting formatted is there any way to solve this
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