question with running dbx

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# 1  
Old 11-21-2007
question with running dbx

If your program unfortunately takes a LONG time to finish running in dbx and you find yourself hitting Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z to stop the running, does it produce any adverse effects at all ?

The reason I am asking is because my program is in an infinite loop state (which leads to the huge delay in completion in dbx). The output of my program is routed to gnuplot (which is given as a CL arg when using run) which unfortunately is not working anymore. I think this could be due to me being impatient in using dbx

Could anyone provide some more info ?


Last edited by JamesGoh; 11-22-2007 at 05:21 PM..
# 2  
Old 11-22-2007
Originally Posted by JamesGoh
....because my program is in an infinite loop
Infinite loops do normally take quite a while to complete, you may have to check, but to date, I don't think there are any recorded instances of infinite loops completing. Although they may not complete, running on a faster processor will still increase the throughput.
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