Ideas Please (File Sequencing)

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Top Forums Programming Ideas Please (File Sequencing)
# 8  
Old 11-13-2007
Cool idea, thanks, will give it some thought.
# 9  
Old 11-13-2007
How are you dividing the work between the processes? And what is the significance of the sequence? Could you have a driver process that assigns a sequence and a range of transactions to the other processes? So if a process aborts, it can be re-executed with the same sequence and range of transactions while the other processes continue with their assigned work.
# 10  
Old 11-14-2007

The processes will be consuming from an Oracle Advance Queue, so they will be grabbing data out of it as fast as they can.

The significance of the sequence, it is important because downstream processes use it to make sure that no files are lost during transmission.

Preserving the sequence and re-using it, interesting. Will add it to my list of possible solutions.


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