help wid C-script in tcsh

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# 1  
Old 11-13-2007
Power help wid C-script in tcsh

Hello Freinds

I have just started off with Unix (TCSH) although I have a pretty sound background with C-programming. Kindly convey any error in foll script.

#define PI 3.142857
main ()
float r, A;
printf("Enter the value of radius: ");
scanf(" %f ",&r);
A = ((PI/4)*r*r);
printf("Area of circle is %f", A);

I can compile it with gcc but when I run it in terminal, it returns nothing, guess it goes into a loop.

Pls help
# 2  
Old 11-13-2007
Hm, sense of deja vu with this one.

Make r and A doubles.

The printf format "%f" actually works with doubles, not floats.

Things may have changed since my days at school, but I thought that area was


Does it just hang?

Circle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# 3  
Old 11-13-2007
thanx porter

but still not working, even wid doubles.

it just hangs. I have to Ctrl-Z i.e. suspend it.
# 4  
Old 11-13-2007
just a thought

define PI 3.142857
main ()
float r, A;
printf("Enter the value of radius: ");
scanf(" %f ",&r);
A = (PI/4)*(r*r);
printf("Area of circle is %f", A);
# 5  
Old 11-13-2007
but its in C, so # is necessary at d beginning.

Just not able to get it runnin. Grrrr.....
# 6  
Old 11-13-2007
try C++

main ()
const float PI=3.142857;
double r, A;
A = (PI/4)*(r*r);

cout<<"Enter the value of radius: ";

cout<<"Area of circle is "<< A;
# 7  
Old 11-13-2007
This works on Solaris using gcc.

#define PI 3.142857
int main(int argc,char **argv)
        float r, A;
        printf("Enter the value of radius: ");
        A = ((PI/4)*r*r);
        printf("Area of circle is %f", A);
        return 0;

even if I don't agree with the actual algorithm.

Note I changed the scanf to be purely "%f".

all: area

area: area.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror area.c -o $@

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