Process crash when allocating memory

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# 1  
Old 10-18-2007
Process crash when allocating memory

I'm currently using C++ on a HP-UX 11i system (upgrading some libraries) and am encountering a problem with the process crashing when allocating memory via a call to new (a rather large array of objects are being created).
Is there a way to find out what the sizes of the stack and heap are?
If so how can you change their size (I've looked at the kernel parameters in sam but didn't see anything obvious).

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 10-18-2007
Personally I find C++ and libraries a nightmare to deal with unless you have compiled it all. Otherwise you have to make sure that the options, macros etc are identical to what was used to compile the libraries.

This is one of my hobby horses, that C++ is not a robust language for delivering compiled code in libraries, it is suitable as an internal implementation language only. It gets worse when people use C++ exceptions to ignore crazy code rampaging and trashing your heap.

Do you have the source to all, and can you run the application through the source debugger, or at least examine the core dumps with a debugger?
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