I notice from your photos that you are relying on USB power only so far. You have no direct PSU plugged into the Arduino.
So a word of warning as you get into adding stuff to your projects that, before going off on any tangents to investigate why the Arduino crashed, you couldn't upload a sketch because communication was lost, etc, ALWAYS use an independent PSU and see if your problem goes away. It will save you a lot of time investigating "possible faulty Arduino's". Just don't fall for it.
Here is a sketch to do basic testing for the Arduino UNO and the MLT-BT04.
This BLE module works with IOS (iPhone) and I'll add some details on my IOS testing with an iPhone in a follow-up post.
For now, here is the basic BLE (HM-10) sketch for the Arduino UNO:
Arduino test-code... (7 Replies)
Just finished a quick Python script to send the current unix time over to the Arduino from macOS, so in the absence of GPS or some other way to get the unix timestamp (epoch time) to the Arduino, I can get my macOS and Arduino UNO synced to within a second.
Normally, when the Arduino starts... (9 Replies)
Waiting for more fun Ardunio parts from AliExpress, I decided to test two cheap Chinese Arduino UNO clones.
The Arduino UNO R3 (CH340G) MEGA328P
The Wavgat UNO R3 (CH340G) MEGA328P
Both of these Chinese Ardunio clones sell for about $3 USD, delivered to your door.
The bottom line is... (0 Replies)
HI all...
(Apologies for any typos.)
To add to Neo's Arduino subject matter I have decided to upload this in ".zip" format.
Ignore "*.info" files these are AMIGA icons only and also the "HAM" drawer as these are photos in ancient AMIGA HAM modes.
I have noticed that there are current... (6 Replies)
In my further exploration of Arduino, today I decided to install the arduino-cli on my mac today.
I followed the instructions for macOS but when I got to this part:
arduino-cli board list
I got the dreaded "Unknown" Fully Qualified Board Name... (1 Reply)
I am working on a semi-auto detection idea for Arduino for the Scope project.
It does require a little user intervention but minimal.
It works by just responding to two on screen prompts to unplug and plug Arduino
into a USB port.
There are two versions and both work perfectly well and give... (3 Replies)
This is a very simple starter DEMO to access Arduino Diecimila Board for the
Macbook Pro 13" OSX 10.7.5...
A potentiometer is connected between 5V and Gnd with the wiper connected to
ANALOG IN 0 on the Arduino. This was adjusted to give the Ms and Ls as seen...
I now have DC in for this... (0 Replies)
Hi all...
(Apologies for any typos at all.)
This is a step by step _script_ to check if your Arduino is talking to your Linux or Macbook Pro computer using the Terminal...
It works on at least 3 Linux flavours and now the Macbook Pro...
I hope you find it useful as a simple check for... (0 Replies)