Create a C source and compile inside Python 1.4.0 to 3.7.0 in Python for ALL? platforms...
Hi all...
As you know I like making code backwards compatible for as many platforms as possible.
This Python script was in fact dedicated for the AMIGA A1200 using Pythons 1.4.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.0, 2.0.1, and 2.4.6 as that is all we have for varying levels of upgrades from a HDD and 4MB FastRam on a stock A1200 only to expansions to 68060, FPU, MMU and serious memory for the day.
This is designed purely for my stock A1200 with HDD and 4MB of extra FastRam and Python 1.4.0, the only version that does not require MMU and FPU.
It requires ADE the *NIX emulator and gcc 2.95.3 to work and the result gives a simple calculator for ADE as bc, dc and others do not exist.
AND before anyone mentions the 'r' prefix on the 'docstring' variable = r""" Some raw text... """ , Pythons 1.4.0 to 1.6.x do NOT have that facility. So a basic docstring is required. Therefore ALL escaped text MUST have the escqpe escaped, for example, \n becomes \\n .
( @ Corona688, your awk DFT is now at 734 dls, Aminet - dev/gcc/DFT-FFT.awk.txt and I expect it to be over 1000 by the end of the year. )
It is not easy working out all the permutations and combinations of a language where each major version is near entirely different from its predecessor but this is the result, note my MBP booting into Linux Mint 19:
Results on Linux Mint 19, default bash terminal, Python 2.7.x, gcc 7.3.0.
So even though these Python versions are worlds apart, if the minimum is found between them all then everyone can share fully usable code for, now esoteric, platforms.
( Long live the AMIGA... <wink> )
Now tested on Python 3.6.7 and 3.7.1 on Linux Mint 19...
Last edited by wisecracker; 05-20-2019 at 01:38 PM..
Reason: See EDIT.
This User Gave Thanks to wisecracker For This Post:
Note that your four global variables (SOLUTION, FLOAT_1, FLOAT_2, and OPERATOR) are never referenced in your code because both of your subroutines (main() and calc()) have local variables with the same names.
If you get rid of the global variables, you should get exactly the same results from a binary that might be a few bytes smaller.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
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