Correct, those values are of (E4, G4, F4). But with "row_no += 1", shouldnt it pick up the values from the next row ?
No, it should not.
It will not.
No programming language will do that for you.
Golden rule of programming => a programming language will only do what you tell it to do. It will not do anything on its own.
Originally Posted by nans
I thought this while loop meant 'go to row 4, if the row matches the score from the dictionary, print the value or else print unknown and then go on to the next row and do the same'
The "while" loop is only for repeating a "set of actions" while a "condition" is true.
The repetitive "set of actions" is:
1) going to next row
2) determining pos value, alt value, ref value for the row we reached
3) constructing the cpos value from the 3 values determined in the step above
4) checking if this cpos value is in the dictionary dict_pos
5) setting the value of "score" cell in the row that we are now
Since 1) through 5) are repetitive, we work on the entire spreadsheet, but one row at a time.
Inside a "while" loop, we are only working on one row - the current row.
The "condition" is: either pos value is non-empty or alt value is non-empty or ref value is non-empty.
As you can see, the structure of a "while" loop is very generic (repeat a set of actions while a condition is true), so it can be used in a wide variety of situations in any programming language.
Originally Posted by nans
How would I recalculate the values in a loop for all rows ?
Old proverb: "How to eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
As I mentioned earlier, inside a loop, you only have to calculate the pos, alt and ref values for one row - the current row, the row you are on.
Now, for row_no = 4, you had a few statements that calculated cell_pos, cell_alt and cell_ref. Then you calculated "cpos" from those cell_pos, cell_alt and cell_ref values.
You need those statements inside the "while" loop.
So once the row_no is incremented inside the loop, you:
1) determine the cell_pos, cell_alt and cell_ref
2) next you calculate the cpos using cell_pos, cell_alt and cell_ref
This will be your "cpos" - only for the current row.
When printed, you will see different values of cpos - printed one at a time from within your "while" loop.
(The output that I showed in my earlier post was not printed in one shot - it was printed during each iteration of the loop - one line printed per iteration.)
Last edited by durden_tyler; 07-03-2017 at 01:05 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to durden_tyler For This Post:
okay, I'm getting there now slowly! But why isn't it saving the results to the excel sheet ?
Yes, much better.
Now you are able to capture the values of E,G,F columns of every row you are going through.
As for saving the results, here are a few things you need to know about "openpyxl" module.
It has classes like "Workbook", "Worksheet", "Cell" etc. in it.
If "ws" is a "worksheet" object, then:
is the cell object 'V4' in the worksheet.
The cell object has many attributes like "value", "fill", "comment" etc.
If you want to make changes to a cell, you set its attributes.
So, to set the cell's value, you set its "value" attribute. For example:
will set the value of the cell 'V4' to 'Hello, World!'
Another example; the following:
will fill the red color in the cell 'V4'.
Now in your code, the following statement:
assigns the value of the cell object 'V4' to variable NG. Edit: Sorry, this should read: "assigns the cell object 'V4' to variable NG."
However, this line:
sets the cell, not the cell's value.
Another thing => you need to recalculate "NG" inside the loop every time "row_no" increases.
Also => remove the second "if .. else" statement inside the "while" loop.
Last edited by durden_tyler; 07-04-2017 at 07:37 PM..
Reason: Incorrect statement about assignment. Edited statement is in red.
This User Gave Thanks to durden_tyler For This Post:
Got it! So I have changed it to
One last question, right now the code is reading rows which don't have values and ends up in a loop. For now I have the rows limited to 'while row_no <=10:' but different excel sheets have different row limits, some have 50, some have 100, how can I amend this ?
Got it! So I have changed it to
One last question, right now the code is reading rows which don't have values and ends up in a loop. For now I have the rows limited to 'while row_no <=10:' but different excel sheets have different row limits, some have 50, some have 100, how can I amend this ?
So the final step is just some tweaking in the "while <condition>" clause.
I had suggested the condition: "while row_no <= 10" so that you could see the "cpos" value for the first few rows (7 rows actually: row_no 4 through 10).
Otherwise, the "infinite loop" was printing lines too fast and it can be difficult to understand what's happening in that case.
The "infinite loop" problem still remains. The "row_no <= 10" was just a temporary patch.
Now, if you look at post # 36 in this thread, I had mentioned the working of a "while" statement.
The "while" statement repeats a set of actions while a condition is true.
So ask yourself this: in any worksheet, until when should I keep looking at the values of E, G, F cells and form the key and check against "dict_pos"?
If you were to update your worksheet manually, then up to what point would you go? When would you stop?
The answer to that question will decide what you want to put in the "while" condition.
If you ask me, I would do it manually until one of the cells E, G or F is empty. The moment one or more of them is empty, I would stop.
But I don't know what your requirements are.
Maybe you want to go until all the cells E, G, and F are empty.
So your condition will differ from mine.
Either way, you will have to work with using cell values in the while condition.
Have a look at post # 4 of this thread where I posted the first program.
In that program, I test the cell value in the while condition.
Use it to form your "while" condition.
Post your attempt or ask a question if you find it difficult to continue.
This User Gave Thanks to durden_tyler For This Post:
Great. I've changed it to 'while cell_pos.value:' and this works just perfect for my script.
Out of curiosity if I wanted to say go until all the cells E, G, and F are empty, how would I go about that ?
I really appreciate how tolerant you have been and extremely helpful since the past couple of weeks following up on my issues and helping me out with tutorials. Thank you, thank you very much and good luck and best wishes! :-)
Great. I've changed it to 'while cell_pos.value:' and this works just perfect for my script.
Out of curiosity if I wanted to say go until all the cells E, G, and F are empty, how would I go about that ?
will run the "while" loop as long as cell_pos.value is True that is, it is non-empty.
In order to check "all of cells E, G, F are empty" we use the logical operator "and" to combine the three cell values:
1) cell_pos.value
2) cell_alt.value
3) cell_ref.value
Such a condition is called a "compound" condition.
will enter the "while" loop as long as all of cells E, G, F are non-empty i.e. they have some value in them. The moment any one of the cells E, G, F is empty, the loop stops.
will enter the "while" loop as long as any one of cells E, G, F is non-empty. The moment all of cells E, G, F are empty, the loop stops.
Your program will loop through the rows checking only pos value.
So if, in a row, the pos value is non-empty but alt and/or ref values are empty, it will still form the key and try to check if the key exists in the dictionary dict_pos.
This may or may not work, depending on how the dictionary was formed from "scores.txt" text file.
Here's the complete program for your reference:
Last edited by durden_tyler; 07-05-2017 at 01:10 PM..
Reason: You learn about the gaps in your thinking by reviewing what you wrote earlier... :)
This User Gave Thanks to durden_tyler For This Post:
Source Code of the original script is down below please run the script and try to solve this problem
this is my data and I want it column wise
2019-03-20 13:00:00:000
2019-03-20 15:00:00:000
Operating System
1 (5 Replies)
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Par "CPara"
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Id "077"
.......... (7 Replies)
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57 abc
25 def
32 ghi
54 jkl
Output:57 abc
57 abc 1
25 def 2
32 ghi 3
54 jkl 4
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001 abc
002 cde
003 edf
004 fgh
005 hik
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1111001 abc
1111002 cde
1111003 edf
1111004 ... (1 Reply)
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1.000 2.000
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2.3564 0.321
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ppinto:/home/ppinto:Pam Pinto:633
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