You're trying to make a template specialization, which means you need to use a concrete type instead of the generic T. So you could do e.g.:
(Although you have other issues we won't go into, like why are you trying to add two int pointers?)
The point is, in order to specialize to a pointer type, you have to name the pointer type.
On the other hand, in your first template T can be anything, including a pointer types (which is the whole point of generic programming...) - i.e. you can use any of:
On the other hand, you may be trying to say "do this when you're passed a pointer type, do something else when you're passed another type". In this case, you need to revisit all this material as that's not how templates are used - for a start, you probably don't want the return value for your second template to be a pointer (it's just an int) so you want different behaviour - create two differently named templates, one for pointers and one for raw values:
Last edited by JohnGraham; 04-05-2013 at 02:05 PM..
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I have a sourcefile which contains data as below.I want to check whether datatype,structure and date format looks good as mentioned.
Data is delemited by cydila Ç.
Source file-Emp.txt
1ÇvivekÇ0861ÇCSEÇ2013-05-29 00:00:00
2ÇdineshÇ123456ÇECEÇ2013-05-29 00:00:00... (8 Replies)
I have sourcefile and structure of source file,i want to check whether datatype and length mention in emp.txt is same as source file.
in emp.txt first row contains sno number so in source file also first column should contain only number if data is other than number then that... (1 Reply)
I have a sourcefile which contains data as below.I want to check whether datatype,structure and date format looks good as mentioned.
Data is delemited by cydila .
Source file-Emp.txt
sno name phoneno dept joineddate
1 vivek 0861 CSE 2013-05-29 00:00:00
2 dinesh 123456 ECE ... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
I am new to unix but have a requirement wherein I need to separate datatype,length, and column name from input file which is of below format --
integer(10) empid;
string(25) name;
date("YYYY-MM-DD") dob;
decimal(10) salary;
now after getting datatype,its length and... (4 Replies)
I am creating a program with the C language that simulates the WC command in Unix. My program needs to count lines, bytes and words. I have not added the code to count bytes and words yet. I am having trouble understanding what the file option/flag '-' does. I can not visualize how it moves... (1 Reply)
Hello, this is probably a simple request but I've been toying with it for a while.
I have a large list of devices and commands that were run with a script, now I have lines such as:
a-router-hostname-C#show ver
I want to print everything up to (and excluding) the # and everything after it... (3 Replies)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv) {
printf("%d\n", sizeof(argv));
return 0;
when I run the executable a.out after compiling the above program as:
a.out short (or) a.out "long double", I expected to get the output as 2 and 12, but I am always getting the size of... (2 Replies)
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
So I have to write a Bourne script that will add two numbers, taking only two arguments and informs the user when it is used incorrectly.
2. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:
It has to be done in sh. I think overall,... (3 Replies)
after some years of pause, im returning to c.
char *varname = "asd";
int *number = 4;
the above code is wrong, because its assigning a value to an unreserved space, or because its changing the address the pointer is pointing ?
thanks for the replys!! (3 Replies)
If one wants to get a start address of a array or a string or a block of memory via a function, there are at least two methods to achieve it:
(1) one is to pass a pointer-to-pointer parameter, like:
int my_malloc(int size, char **pmem)
*pmem=(char *)malloc(size);
if(*pmem==NULL)... (11 Replies)