Hi all...
Well I have not been inactive but working out how to make OSX 10.14.x command line audio player have a variable sample rate.
This is a back door as afplay does not have a sample rate flag unlike aplay for ALSA, in Linux flavours.
This is a DEMO only but a derivative of it will... (2 Replies)
Hi all...
I intend to do an Audio Function Generator using Awk, (already started thanks to Don), but the biggest thing I have struggled with was variable frequency.
I was going to generate differing sized waveforms on the fly but that would that would mean the frequencies are dependent on any... (2 Replies)
Ok guys, gals and geeks...
As from today I am starting to learn awk in earnest doing something totally different.
I am going to create a pseudo-Audio_Function Generator centred around OSX 10.11.x minimum. The code below is a tester to see what the possibilities are.
All waveforms will be... (11 Replies)
Creating an audio WAVE file called...
...that can be played using almost ANY audio player available.
This simple DEMO snippet of code generates a 1 second sinewave WAVE file. It IS saved inside the CURRENT drawer so that you can find it... ;o)
Note that the... (1 Reply)
This is a small program as a tester for a basic sweep generator for bandwidth testing of AudioScope.sh.
This DEMO is only capable of 4KHz down to about 85Hz and back due to the low bit rate, but it is proof of concept for a much wider variant using a much higher bit rate.
The file generated... (4 Replies)
Hi all...
I don't think this has been done before but I am open to being corrected...
This batch file generates a 65536 byte binary file to give 8 seconds of pure sinewave at the earphone/speaker output(s)...
It uses ONLY a default Windows 32 bit installation, to Windows 7, except for the... (0 Replies)
A very simple crude sinewave generator.
The file required is generated inside the code, is linear interpolated and requires /dev/audio to work. Ensure you have this device, if not the download oss-compat from your OS's repository...
It lasts for about 8 seconds before exiting and saves a... (5 Replies)