Help regarding memory leak in this C program

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# 1  
Old 03-19-2012
Help regarding memory leak in this C program

I have written this code in C which reads a very large collection of text files and does some processing. The problem with this code is that there are memory leaks which I am not able to figure out as to where the problem is. When I run this code, and see the memory usage using top command, then I see the memory usage keeps on increasing as the code executes and finally the program gets killed by the Linux kernel. I am pasting the code below, understanding the logic of the code is not essential but the way malloc() and free() pairs are working and also the way dynamically allocated memory locations are passed to functions.


#define DIMENSIONS 200
#define NUMBER_OF_FILES 297180 //Always give a larger number than actual
#define MAXIMUM_WORDS 2227449

void read_text_file ( FILE * , char ** , unsigned long int * );
void read_cluster_file ( FILE * , int * , unsigned long int * );
void read_centroid_matrix ( FILE * , float ** );
char *file_name_generator ( unsigned long int , char * , char * , char * );
char * itoa( int32_t , char * );
char * reverse ( char [] );
float cosine_similarity ( float ** , unsigned long int , unsigned long int );

int32_t main ( int32_t argc , char ** argv )
    FILE *cluster_membership_file = NULL;
    FILE *cluster_centroid_file = NULL;
    FILE *dictionary_file = NULL;
    FILE *input_file = NULL;
    FILE *output_file = NULL;

    ENTRY e , *ep;

    unsigned long int i = 0;
    unsigned long int number_of_words = 0;
    int32_t *cluster_data = NULL;
    int32_t j = 0;
    unsigned long int first_word_coordinate = 0;
    unsigned long int second_word_coordinate = 0;
    int32_t counter = 0;
    int32_t first_word_cluster_member = 0;
    int32_t second_word_cluster_member = 0;
    int32_t signal = 0;

    float *store_centroids = NULL;
    store_centroids = ( float * ) malloc ( MAXIMUM_WORDS * sizeof ( float ) );
    if ( store_centroids == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in store_centroids\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    float ** centroid_matrix = NULL;
    centroid_matrix = ( float ** ) malloc ( NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS * sizeof ( float * ) );
    if ( centroid_matrix == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation error in centroid matrix\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS ; i ++ )
        centroid_matrix [ i ] = ( float * ) malloc ( DIMENSIONS * sizeof ( float ) );
        if ( centroid_matrix [ i ] == NULL )
            fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation error in centroid matrix\n" );
            return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    char *file_extension = NULL;
    char *file_path = NULL;
    char *file_name = NULL;

    file_extension = ( char * ) malloc ( 4 * sizeof ( char ) );
    if ( file_extension == NULL )
      fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in file_extension\n" );
      return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    file_path = ( char * ) malloc ( 300 * sizeof ( char ) );
    if ( file_path == NULL )
      fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in file_path\n" );
      return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    file_name = ( char * ) malloc ( 300 * sizeof ( char ) );
    if ( file_name == NULL )
      fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in file_name\n" );
      return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    char **words_from_dictionary = NULL;
    words_from_dictionary = ( char ** ) malloc ( DICTIONARY_FILE_LENGTH * sizeof ( char * ) );
    if ( words_from_dictionary == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in creating words_from_dictionary space\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    char **words_from_web_page = NULL; //get the chunk of memory once using malloc() and keep using the same for subsequent reads
    words_from_web_page = ( char ** ) malloc ( MAXIMUM_WORDS * sizeof ( char * ) );
    if ( words_from_web_page == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in creating words_from_web_page\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXIMUM_WORDS ; i ++ )
        words_from_web_page [ i ] = ( char * ) malloc ( 30 * sizeof ( char ) );
        if ( words_from_web_page [ i ] == NULL )
            fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in words_from_web_page\n" );
            return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    cluster_data = ( int * ) malloc ( DICTIONARY_FILE_LENGTH * sizeof ( int ) );
    if ( cluster_data == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in cluster_data\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < DICTIONARY_FILE_LENGTH ; i ++ )
        words_from_dictionary [ i ] = ( char * ) malloc ( 30 * sizeof ( char ) );
        if ( words_from_dictionary [ i ] == NULL )
            fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in words_from_dictionary\n" );
            return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    cluster_membership_file = fopen ( "cluster_membership.txt" , "r" );
    if ( cluster_membership_file == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr, "cluster membership file read error\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    cluster_centroid_file = fopen ( "cluster_centroids.txt" , "r" );
    if ( cluster_centroid_file == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "cluster centroid file read error\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    dictionary_file = fopen ( "dictionary.dit" , "r" );
    if ( dictionary_file == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr , "dictionary file read error\n" );
        return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

    i = 0;
    read_text_file ( dictionary_file , words_from_dictionary , &number_of_words );
    number_of_words = 0;
    read_cluster_file ( cluster_membership_file , cluster_data , &number_of_words );
    read_centroid_matrix ( cluster_centroid_file , centroid_matrix );


    for ( i = 0 ; i < DICTIONARY_FILE_LENGTH ; i++ )
        e.key = words_from_dictionary [ i ]; = ( void * ) i;
        ep = hsearch ( e, ENTER );
        if ( ep == NULL )
            fprintf(stderr, "entry failed\n");

    for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_FILES ; i ++ )
        file_name = file_name_generator ( i , file_extension , file_path , "/science/original_files/" );//file name generator generates the 
                                                                                                      //file     names which will be opened further for reading
        input_file = fopen ( file_name , "r" );
        if ( input_file == NULL )
            memset ( file_name , '\0' , 300 );
            memset ( file_extension , '\0' , 4 );
            memset ( file_path , '\0' , 300 );

        number_of_words = 0;
        read_text_file ( input_file , words_from_web_page , &number_of_words );//read text files one by one
        for ( j = 0 ; j < ( number_of_words - 1 ) ; j ++ )
            e.key = words_from_web_page [ j ];
            ep = hsearch ( e , FIND );
            first_word_coordinate = ( int32_t ) ( ep->data );
            first_word_cluster_member = cluster_data [ first_word_coordinate ];
            e.key = words_from_web_page [ j + 1 ];
            ep = hsearch ( e , FIND );
            second_word_coordinate = ( int32_t ) ( ep -> data );
            second_word_cluster_member = cluster_data [ second_word_coordinate ];

            if ( first_word_cluster_member == second_word_cluster_member )
                signal = signal + 1;
                * ( store_centroids + counter ++ ) = 
                     cosine_similarity ( centroid_matrix , ( first_word_cluster_member - 1 ) , ( second_word_cluster_member - 1 ) );

        memset ( file_name , 0 , 300 );
        memset ( file_extension , 0 , 4 );
        memset ( file_path , 0 , 300 );
        memset ( words_from_web_page , 0 , MAXIMUM_WORDS );

        file_name = file_name_generator ( i , file_extension , file_path , "segmentation_scores/" );//file writing done here
        output_file = fopen ( file_name , "w" );
        if ( output_file == NULL )
            fprintf ( stderr , "file write error\n" );
            return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

        if ( signal != ( number_of_words - 1 ) )
            for ( j = 0 ; j < counter ; j ++ )
                fprintf ( output_file , "%f\n" , store_centroids [ j ] );
            fprintf ( output_file , "%d" , 1 );
        fclose ( output_file );
        counter = 0;

        memset ( store_centroids , 0 , MAXIMUM_WORDS );
        memset ( file_name , 0 , 300 );
        memset ( file_extension , 0 , 4 );
        memset ( file_path , 0 , 300 );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < DICTIONARY_FILE_LENGTH ; i ++ )
        free ( words_from_dictionary [ i ] );
    free ( words_from_dictionary );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS ; i ++ )
        free ( centroid_matrix [ i ] );
    free ( centroid_matrix );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXIMUM_WORDS ; i ++ )
        free ( words_from_web_page [ i ] );
    free ( words_from_web_page );

    free ( cluster_data );
    free ( file_extension );
    free ( file_path );
    //free ( file_name );
    free ( store_centroids );

    return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );

//reading the text file. I think this where the leaks occur the most because this is the function which is called several times 
//in main()  

void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )
    unsigned long int len = 0;
    char *line = NULL;

    while ( ! feof ( file_pointer ) )
        getline ( &words_to_be_read [ ( *number_of_words) ++ ] , &len , file_pointer );

    ( *number_of_words )--;
    fclose ( file_pointer );

void read_cluster_file ( FILE *file_pointer , int * cluster_data , unsigned long int *number_of_words )
    while ( ! feof ( file_pointer ) )
        fscanf ( file_pointer , "%d\n" , &cluster_data [ (*number_of_words) ++ ] );

    ( *number_of_words )--;
    fclose ( file_pointer );

//this reads a two dimensional array
void read_centroid_matrix ( FILE * file_pointer , float ** centroid_matrix )
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS ; i ++ )
        for ( j = 0 ; j < DIMENSIONS ; j ++ )
            fscanf ( file_pointer,  "%f" , &centroid_matrix [ i ] [ j ] );

    fclose ( file_pointer );

//this generates the file names to be read
char *file_name_generator ( unsigned long int i , char * str , char * file_path , char *common_path )
    str = itoa ( i , str );
    strcat ( file_path , common_path );
    strcat ( str , ".dat" );
    strcat ( file_path , str );
    i ++;
    return ( file_path );

char * itoa ( int n , char * s )
     int i, sign;
     if ( ( sign = n ) < 0 )  /* record sign */
         n = -n;          /* make n positive */
     i = 0;
     do {       /* generate digits in reverse order */
         s [ i++ ] = n % 10 + '0';   /* get next digit */
     } while ( ( n /= 10 ) > 0 );     /* delete it */
     if ( sign < 0 )
         s [ i++ ] = '-';
     s [ i ] = '\0';
     reverse ( s );
    return ( s );

char * reverse ( char s [ ] )
     int i, j;
     char c;
     for ( i = 0, j = strlen ( s ) - 1; i < j; i ++, j -- ) 
             c = s [ i ];
             s [ i ] = s [ j ];
             s [ j ] = c;
    return ( s );
//this function computes cosine between the two vectors

float cosine_similarity ( float ** cluster_centroid , unsigned long int first_coordinate , unsigned long int second_coordinate )
    size_t i = 0;
    size_t j = 0;

    float eval1 = 0;
    float eval2 = 0;
    float eval3 = 0;
    float cosine = 0;

    for ( i = 0  ; i < DIMENSIONS ; i++ )
        eval1 = eval1 + ( cluster_centroid [ first_coordinate ] [ i ] * cluster_centroid [ second_coordinate ] [ i ] );
        eval2 = eval2 + ( cluster_centroid [ first_coordinate ] [ i ] * cluster_centroid [ first_coordinate ] [ i ] );
        eval3 = eval3 + ( cluster_centroid [ second_coordinate ] [ i ] * cluster_centroid [ second_coordinate ] [ i ] );

    cosine = eval1 / ( sqrtf ( eval2 ) * sqrtf ( eval3 ) );

    return ( cosine );

---------- Post updated at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:01 AM ----------

I reasoned it out where actually the problem is:
void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )
    unsigned long int len = 0;
    char *line = NULL;

    while ( ! feof ( file_pointer ) )
        getline ( &words_to_be_read [ ( *number_of_words) ++ ] , &len , file_pointer );

    ( *number_of_words )--;
    fclose ( file_pointer );

In the above code, getline() creates another memory location in addition to what has already been created. that allocated location does not get free'd when the functions returns. Hence, memory leak occur. After fixing the problem, I don't face any problems now. This is what I have done now.

void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )
    unsigned long int len = 0;
    unsigned long int read = 0;
    char *line = NULL;

    while ( ! feof ( file_pointer ) )
        read = getline ( &line , &len , file_pointer );
        if ( read != -1 || line != NULL )
              strcpy ( words_to_be_read [ ( *number_of_words) ++ ] , line );
      if ( line )
        free ( line );

    fclose ( file_pointer );

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 03-19-2012 at 10:05 AM.. Reason: reformat
# 2  
Old 03-19-2012
Hi, did you use any tools to detect the memory leak source ( say valgrind)?
# 3  
Old 03-19-2012
Yes, I did use that but I am not an expert in such tools hence couldn't understand what all it wrote but it did show that memory is getting wasted somewhere in the program. I believe the problem in my code was in the fundamental concept of using getline() and not in logic.
# 4  
Old 03-19-2012
From man getline:
       If  *lineptr is NULL, then getline() will allocate a buffer for storing
       the line, which should be freed by the user program.   (In  this  case,
       the value in *n is ignored.)

...but you already have that covered, freeing the buffer after you use it.

Why do you think you're leaking memory? What tells you so? I don't think it's this function that's doing so.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 03-20-2012
please post the valgrind output. it might help others understand the problem and also help them understand how it would look for larger programs. just a suggestion
# 6  
Old 03-21-2012
I came to know about memory leak using top. What I did was that I executed the code and and then checked the program memory usage using top command. top showed me that as the program kept on executing and reading more files, the memory usage would increase with time. Ultimately, a time came where the Linux Kernel killed the process itself because it was about to crash the system.

In fact after tweaking the code, the modified function which I have written later, I could see that the memory usage remains constant in top. Hence, this made me believe that it was the
void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )

function that was causing the memory leak.

Looking at the fundamental concept, what I was doing was getting a chunk of memory in the main() main. Then passing an address of that allocated location as a parameter in a function so that I don't have to use malloc() inside a function. But within in the getline() function I was using the same allocated variable, which getline() function was again allocating on its own again. This resulted in memory leak, because that was not being freed (please look at my earlier
void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )

function code). Moreover, I cannot use free to free up that variable as I have to return back to main() to do further computations. Therefore, I introduced a new variable *line initialized with NULL and then after reading a line from the file using in that and before returning, free'd that variable in the
void read_text_file ( FILE *file_pointer , char ** words_to_be_read , unsigned long int *number_of_words )

function (which is in my new code). I have already executed the program and it has given me the results without causing any further troubles. But since I am still learning C, I am not sure whether the standard of my code is good enough.
# 7  
Old 03-21-2012
I think you're doing a good job so far. Double-indirect pointers seem quite difficult for most to grasp but you've got it bang on from what I've seen.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
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