Date to epoch problem

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Operating Systems OS X (Apple) Date to epoch problem
# 8  
Old 10-03-2011
Why not copy-paste it into your post, putting it in code tags? [ code ] stuff [ /code ] without the extra spaces in the tags.
# 9  
Old 10-04-2011
Ok, here it is:

The script is not finished yet. The goal of the script is to select all events from ical by screening all the .ics files for events in the next 24 hours.


# Create temporary directory
mkdir -p ~/tmp/iCal_GeekLet

rm -f ${tmpdir}/1_epoch.txt
rm -f ${tmpdir}/2_time.txt
rm -f ${tmpdir}/3_event.txt
rm -f ${tmpdir}/4_location.txt

#Save current time as epoch
Epoch_current=`date +%s`

#Add 24 hours
Epoch_24=$[${Epoch_current} + 86400]

for i in `ls *.ics`; do

if [ `awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | wc -m` = 10 ]
Epoch_event_tmp=`awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | sed 's/./\/&/5' | sed 's/./\/&/8'`
Epoch_event=`date -j -f date -j -f "%Y/%m/%d %T" "${Epoch_event_tmp} 00:00:00" +"%s"`

if [ "${Epoch_current}" \< "${Epoch_event}" ] && [ "${Epoch_24}" \> "${Epoch_event}" ]

echo ${Epoch_event} >> ${tmpdir}/1_epoch.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | sed 's/./\/&/5' | sed 's/./\/&/8'` >> ${tmpdir}/2_time.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 11' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g'` >> ${tmpdir}/3_event.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 14' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g'` >> ${tmpdir}/4_location.txt


elif [ `awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | wc -m` = 17 ];
Epoch_event_date=`awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | sed 's/./\/&/5' | sed 's/./\/&/8' | sed 's/T.*//'`
Epoch_event_time=`awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | sed 's+.*T++g' | sed 's/./\:&/3' | sed 's/./\:&/6'`
Epoch_event=`date -j -f date -j -f "%Y/%m/%d %T" "${Epoch_event_date} ${Epoch_event_time}" +"%s"`

if [ "${Epoch_current}" \< "${Epoch_event}" ] && [ "${Epoch_24}" \> "${Epoch_event}" ]

echo ${Epoch_event} >> ${tmpdir}/1_epoch.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 9' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g' | sed 's/./\/&/5' | sed 's/./\/&/8'` >> ${tmpdir}/2_time.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 11' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g'` >> ${tmpdir}/3_event.txt
echo `awk 'NR == 14' ${i} | sed 's+.*:++g'` >> ${tmpdir}/4_location.txt

The error is associated with the line:

Epoch_event=`date -j -f date -j -f "%Y/%m/%d %T" "${Epoch_event_date} ${Epoch_event_time}" +"%s"`
Thanks in advance!

# 10  
Old 10-04-2011
I just exported an "event" from iCal, ran your script and got no error (no output at all).

The generated file looks like this:

" ============================================================================
" Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw v140)
"   /Users/scott/tmp/iCal_GeekLet
"   Sorted by      name
"   Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
"   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  x:exec
" ============================================================================

(no idea what any of this is about Smilie)

Can you add set -x under the #!/bin/bash and see if that helps us.

Also, can you say which .ics file it is working on when you get the error, and can you try eliminating that from the list?

Can you also change:
for i in `ls *.ics`; do

for i in *.ics; do

and change all references to it (${i}) to "$i" (surrounded with double quotes)?
# 11  
Old 10-04-2011
Hi Scott,

Thanks for your help!

This is the output:

+ mkdir -p /Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet
+ tmpdir=/Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet
+ rm -f /Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet/1_epoch.txt
+ rm -f /Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet/2_time.txt
+ rm -f /Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet/3_event.txt
+ rm -f /Users/vincent/tmp/iCal_GeekLet/4_location.txt
++ date +%s
+ Epoch_current=1317756610
+ Epoch_24=1317843010
++ ls long.ics test.ics
+ for i in '`ls *.ics`'
++ awk 'NR == 9' long.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ wc -m
+ '[' 17 = 10 ']'
++ awk 'NR == 9' long.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ wc -m
+ '[' 17 = 17 ']'
++ awk 'NR == 9' long.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ sed 's/./\/&/5'
++ sed 's/./\/&/8'
++ sed 's/T.*//'
+ Epoch_event_date=2007/06/14
++ awk 'NR == 9' long.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ sed 's+.*T++g'
++ sed 's/./\:&/3'
++ sed 's/./\:&/6'
+ Epoch_event_time=$'13:00:00\r'
' +%ste -j -f date -j -f '%Y/%m/%d %T' '2007/06/14 13:00:00
)arning: Ignoring 1 extraneous characters in date string (
+ Epoch_event=1181818800
+ '[' 1317756610 '<' 1181818800 ']'
+ for i in '`ls *.ics`'
++ awk 'NR == 9' test.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ wc -m
+ '[' 10 = 10 ']'
++ awk 'NR == 9' test.ics
++ sed 's+.*:++g'
++ sed 's/./\/&/5'
++ sed 's/./\/&/8'
+ Epoch_event_tmp=$'2007/10/08\r'
 00:00:00' +%sdate -j -f '%Y/%m/%d %T' '2007/10/08
+ Epoch_event=1191794400
+ '[' 1317756610 '<' 1191794400 ']'

Do you see anything weird, other than the error?

Kind regards,


Last edited by mosthated; 10-05-2011 at 06:53 AM..
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