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I made a script that sends an email with one long line, line looks like this.
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2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
How to use "mailx" command to do e-mail reading the input file containing email address, where column 1 has name and column 2 containing “To” e-mail address
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Sample input file, email.txt
Below is an sample code where... (2 Replies)
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3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
any useful command to find and e-mail address hardcoded into a cfg file on an specific server?
I already tried with::
find . -type f | xargs grep -l "nobody@foundstone.com"
Thanks!! (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: JLo5621
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4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Please can you help me understand the significance of providing arguments under sh -s in
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting
there are two directories A and B
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6. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I running Linux Mint Debian Edition tracking testing and have started a cron job that will send something to the root mailbox. Mint has heirloom and exim4 installed. However, mail was getting nothing. I realized that in /etc/aliases, there was a line
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7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hey, I've got a script using mailx to send an email to the user, but i'd like it if I could have it send the email sometime in the future, not right away. And by future, i mean like 1 minute in the future.
And I don't want it to halt the script in anyway. Perhaps there's a way to have it... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: paqman
3 Replies
8. HP-UX
I am sending an attchement using the mailx command in HP-UX, I am using the following command,
uuencode test.csv test.csv | mailx -r "Healthy Planet" -m -s "$2" someone@somewhere.com
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Discussion started by: muralikancherla
1 Replies
9. Solaris
I'm running sendmail (8.13.8+Sun/8.13.8/Submit) solaris 10.
When I send mail to root at the command line (whether I use a full-qualified address or just root), I get the error message
root... User address required.
Sending mail to root (either at the command line or in a cron job),... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: csgonan
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10. Shell Programming and Scripting
Can anyone suggest a Unix command or c-shell algorithm to simulate to behavior of "wall" command minus the "all users"? What I'm trying to do is to send a notice to just one particular user but i dont want other remotely-logged-on users to receive the message (on the pseudo-terminals). I... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: Deanne
6 Replies
vacation(1) General Commands Manual vacation(1)
vacation - Informs senders of mail that recipient is absent
vacation -I
The vacation command returns a message to the sender of a mail message, saying that the recipient is on vacation or otherwise absent.
Initializes the $HOME/.vacation.pag and $HOME/.vacation.dir files. Execute this option before you modify your $HOME/.forward file.
The vacation command accepts standard input and attempts to send a vacation message to the user specified in that input, which should be a
mail message. The vacation command is usually invoked in your $HOME/.forward file, which is used to forward your mail to another username.
When you want vacation messages to be sent to users who send you mail, enter the following in your $HOME/.forward file:
user, "|vacation user"
Replace user by your username. This allows mail sent to you to be both received by you and piped to the vacation command; vacation reads
the mail message, determines the sender, and sends a reply. The sender receives a vacation message, and the original mail is waiting in
your mailbox when you return.
When vacation is invoked without the -I option, as in the file, it reads the first line from the standard input for a From line to deter-
mine the sender. If this is not present, an error message is produced. (All properly formatted incoming mail should include a From line.)
No vacation message is sent if the From header line indicates that the message is from Postmaster; from MAILER-DAEMON; if the initial From
line includes the string -REQUEST@; or if a Precedence: bulk or Precedence: junk line is included in the header.
You must initialize vacation for your username by issuing the command vacation -I before you can use the vacation command.
The vacation command expects a $HOME/.vacation.msg file containing a message to be sent back to each sender. The file should be an entire
message, including any desired headers, such as From or Subject. This message will be sent only once a week to each unique message sender.
(If this file does not exist, vacation uses /usr/share/lib/vacation.def, a system-wide default vacation message, if it exists.)
The names of people who have sent you messages are kept in the files $HOME/.vacation.pag and $HOME/.vacation.dir. These files are created
when you initialize vacation for your username with vacation -I.
If your username is myra and you want to send a message once a week to each person who has sent you mail, initialize vacation by entering:
vacation -I
Next, add the following line to your $HOME/.forward file (create this file if it does not exist):
myra, "|vacation myra"
If you want to send a vacation message other than the system default message in /usr/share/lib/vacation.def, create the file in your home
directory and enter the message in it. For example:
From: myra@k.table (Myra Louise Minter) Subject: I am on vacation. Delivered-By-the-Graces-Of: the Vacation program
I am on vacation until October 1. If you have something urgent, please telephone Lucy or Sue.
-- Myra
System-wide default vacation message. Contains address to which mail is forwarded. Contains the names of people who have sent you mail
while the vacation command was being used. Contains the names of people who have sent you mail while the vacation command was being used.
Contains your personal vacation message.
Commands: mail(1), mailx(1), sendmail(8)