Delete 40 lines after every 24 lines from a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Delete 40 lines after every 24 lines from a file
# 8  
Old 02-05-2014
Not exactly. this is the reason i am asking you so that i can change the parameter so that it can work as per my requirement...
# 9  
Old 02-05-2014
Ok, but first, what does not work?
# 10  
Old 02-05-2014
It is printing line 13-31 ,,73-91,,133-151 etc whereas i want to print from line 34-74, 94-134 etc...
A quick reply would be of great help
# 11  
Old 02-06-2014
Hi, just so you realize. This is contradictory to what you said in post #1 (delete is not the same as print), which some posters asked questions about, which lead to your post #4, which is contradicting both post #1 and in turn itself (the length would be 41, not 21) and both posts are contradicting your thread header. That is why I asked the question in #5, which you did not answer.

By doing this, you waste other people's precious time in which they volunteer to help, instead wondering what it is that you could be meaning.

Apart from the fact that you also cannot ask posters to hurry up or be quick:

Everyone at the UNIX and Linux Forums gives their best effort to reply to all questions in a timely manner. For this reason, posting questions with subjects like "Urgent!" or "Emergency" and demanding a fast reply are not permitted in the regular forums.

For members who want a higher visibility to their questions, we suggest you post in the Emergency UNIX and Linux Support Forum. This forum is given a higher priority than our regular forums.

Posting a new question in the Emergency UNIX and Linux Support Forum requires forum Bits. We monitor this forum to help people with emergencies, but we do not not guarantee response time or best answers. However, we will treat your post with a higher priority and give our best efforts to help you.

You would probably have received a reply 2 days ago if post #1 and the header would have been accurate. So please think of this next time.

If you have read through all of this just try changing s to 34 and p to 41.
Are you still interested in an explanation?

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-06-2014 at 02:31 AM..
# 12  
Old 02-06-2014
I am so sorry..
yes, i would prefer, please provide...
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