Resending file in ftp

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# 1  
Old 07-21-2011
Resending file in ftp

Hi All,

I would like to know it there is a posibility to resend a file to remote server and overwrite the old file.

Recently i ftped a 39kb file to remote server(it's an unix based one).
when end usersopened the file they could see only half of the file and the file size is also observed to be half of the file size which is on my machine.

so to over come this i decided to check the filesize on my local machine with remote sever.but after checking the sizes i dont get any idea's on resending or appending the already uploaded file on remote path.

can someone enlighten me here.

# 2  
Old 07-21-2011
If you simply ftp the file over there again, paying attention to the return codes on your side, things will be fine.

FTP posts error numbers when things fail, read this note:

List of FTP server return codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the return code is 400 or higher you have a problem, probably on the other side - the side you are sending to.
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