ultrix man page for menupopup

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XtPopup(3Xt)							     MIT X11R4							      XtPopup(3Xt)

       XtPopup, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, XtCallbackExclusive, MenuPopup - map a pop-up

       void XtPopup(popup_shell, grab_kind)
	  Widget popup_shell;
	  XtGrabKind grab_kind;

       void XtCallbackNone(w, client_data, call_data)
	  Widget w;
	  XtPointer client_data;
	  XtPointer call_data;

       void XtCallbackNonexclusive(w, client_data, call_data)
	  Widget w;
	  XtPointer client_data;
	  XtPointer call_data;

       void XtCallbackExclusive(w, client_data, call_data)
	  Widget w;
	  XtPointer client_data;
	  XtPointer call_data;

       void MenuPopup(shell_name)
	  String shell_name;

       call_data Specifies the callback data, which is not used by this procedure.

		 Specifies the pop-up shell.

       grab_kind Specifies the way in which user events should be constrained.

		 Specifies the widget shell.

       w	 Specifies the widget.

       The function performs the following:

       o    Calls to ensure popup_shell is a subclass of

       o    Generates an error if the shell's popped_up field is already

       o    Calls the callback procedures on the shell's popup_callback list.

       o    Sets the shell popped_up field to the shell spring_loaded field to and the shell grab_kind field from grab_kind.

       o    If the shell's create_popup_child field is non-NULL, calls it with popup_shell as the parameter.

       o    If grab_kind is either or it calls:

       XtAddGrab(popup_shell, (grab_kind == XtGrabExclusive), False)

       o    Calls with popup_shell specified.

       o    Calls with popup_shell specified.

       The and functions call with the shell specified by the client data argument and grab_kind set as the name specifies.  and specify and
       respectively.  Each function then sets the widget that executed the callback list to be insensitive by using Using these functions in call-
       backs is not required.  In particular, an application must provide customized code for callbacks that create pop-up shells dynamically or
       that must do more than desensitizing the button.

       is known to the translation manager, which must perform special actions for spring-loaded pop-ups.  Calls to in a translation specification
       are mapped into calls to a nonexported action procedure, and the translation manager fills in parameters based on the event specified on
       the left-hand side of a translation.

       If is invoked on (possibly with modifiers), the translation manager pops up the shell with grab_kind set to and spring_loaded set to If is
       invoked on (possibly with modifiers), the translation manager pops up the shell with grab_kind set to and spring_loaded set to Otherwise,
       the translation manager generates an error.  When the widget is popped up, the following actions occur:

       o    Calls to ensure popup_shell is a subclass of

       o    Generates an error if the shell's popped_up field is already

       o    Calls the callback procedures on the shell's popup_callback list.

       o    Sets the shell popped_up field to and the shell grab_kind and spring_loaded fields appropriately.

       o    If the shell's create_popup_child field is non-NULL, it is called with popup_shell as the parameter.

       o    Calls:

       XtAddGrab(popup_shell, (grab_kind == XtGrabExclusive), spring_loaded)

       o    Calls with popup_shell specified.

       o    Calls with popup_shell specified.

       (Note that these actions are the same as those for tries to find the shell by searching the widget tree starting at the parent of the wid-
       get in which it is invoked.  If it finds a shell with the specified name in the pop-up children of that parent, it pops up the shell with
       the appropriate parameters.  Otherwise, it moves up the parent chain as needed.	If gets to the application widget and cannot find a match-
       ing shell, it generates an error.

See Also
       XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt), XtPopdown(3Xt)
       X Window System Toolkit: The Complete Programmer's Guide and Specification, Paul J. Asente and Ralph Swick
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys
