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ttk::sizegrip(n) Tk Themed Widget ttk::sizegrip(n) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAMEttk::sizegrip - Bottom-right corner resize widgetSYNOPSISttk::sizegrip pathName ?options? _________________________________________________________________DESCRIPTIONA ttk::sizegrip widget (also known as a grow box) allows the user to resize the containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.STANDARD OPTIONS-class -cursor -state -style -takefocus See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.WIDGET COMMANDSizegrip widgets support the standard cget, configure, identify, instate, and state methods. No other widget methods are used. PLATFORM-SPECIFIC NOTES On Mac OSX, toplevel windows automatically include a built-in size grip by default. Adding a ttk::sizegrip there is harmless, since the built-in grip will just mask the widget.EXAMPLESUsing pack: pack [ttk::frame $top.statusbar] -side bottom -fill x pack [ttk::sizegrip $top.statusbar.grip] -side right -anchor se Using grid: grid [ttk::sizegrip $top.statusbar.grip] -row $lastRow -column $lastColumn -sticky se # ... optional: add vertical scrollbar in $lastColumn, # ... optional: add horizontal scrollbar in $lastRowBUGSIf the containing toplevel's position was specified relative to the right or bottom of the screen (e.g., "wm geometry ... wxh-x-y" instead of "wm geometry ... wxh+x+y"), the sizegrip widget will not resize the window. ttk::sizegrip widgets only support "southeast" resizing.SEE ALSOttk::widget(n)KEYWORDSwidget, sizegrip, grow box Tk 8.5 ttk::sizegrip(n)