Query: pam_set_item
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PAM_SET_ITEM(3) App. Programmers' Manual PAM_SET_ITEM(3)NAMEpam_set_item, pam_get_item - item manipulation under PAMSYNOPSIS#include <security/pam_appl.h> or #include <secruity/pam_modules.h> int pam_set_item(pam_handle_t *pamh, int item_type, void *item); int pam_get_item(const pam_handle_t *pamh, int item_type, const void **item_p);DESCRIPTIONpam_set_item pam_set_item These functions are currently undocumented in a man page, but see the end of this man page for more information (the PAM guides). On success PAM_SUCCESS is returned, all other return values should be treated as errors.ERRORSMay be translated to text with pam_strerror(3).CONFORMING TODCE-RFC 86.0, October 1995.BUGSnone known.SEE ALSOpam(8) and pam_strerror(3). Also, see the three Linux-PAM Guides, for System administrators, module developers, and application developers. Linux-PAM 2001 Jan 21 PAM_SET_ITEM(3)