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smc(1M) 						  System Administration Commands						   smc(1M)

smc - start the Solaris Management Console
smc [ subcommand] [ args] smc [ subcommand] [ args] -T tool_name [ -- tool_args]
The smc command starts the Solaris Management Console. The Solaris Management Console is a graphical user interface that provides access to Solaris system administration tools. It relies on Solaris Management Console servers running on one or more computers to perform modifica- tions and report data. Each of these servers is a repository for code which the console can retrieve after the user of the console has authenticated himself or herself to the server. The console can also retrieve toolboxes from the server. These toolboxes are descriptions of organized collections of tools available on that and possibly other servers. Once one of these toolboxes is loaded, the console will display it and the tools referenced in it. The console can also run in a terminal (non-graphically), for use over remote connections or non-interactively from a script. For information on the use of the graphical console, and for more detailed explanations of authentication, tools, and toolboxes, please refer to the Solaris Management Console online help available under the "Help" menu in the Solaris Management Console. To enable an NIS/NIS+ map to be managed from the Solaris Management Console, you must use the smc edit command to create a new toolbox for that map and enter the information about your NIS/NIS+ server where necessary. For instructions on creating a new toolbox, in the Solaris Management Console Help menu, select "Contents," then "About the Solaris Management Console Editor," then "To Create a Toolbox." subcommands smc subcommands are: open The default subcommand for the Solaris Management Console is open. This will launch the console and allow you to run tools from the toolboxes you load. It does not need to be specified explicitly on the command line. edit The edit subcommand will also launch the console, like the open subcommand. However, after loading a toolbox, you will not be able to run the referenced tools. Instead, you will be able to edit that toolbox, that is, add, remove, or modify any tools or folders in that toolbox.
The following options are supported. These letter options can also be specified by their equivalent option words preceded by a double dash. For example, you can use either -D or --domain with the domain argument. If tool_args are specified, they must be preceded by the -- option and separated from the double dashes by a space. --auth-data file Specifies a file which the console can read to collect authentication data. When running the Solaris Management Console non-interac- tively, the console will still need to authenticate itself with the server to retrieve tools. This data can either be passed on the command line using the -u, -p, -r, and -l options (which is insecure, because any user can see this data), or it can be placed in a file for the console to read. For security reasons, this file should be readable only by the user running the console, although the console does not enforce this restriction. The format of file is: hostname=host name username=user name password=password for user name rolename=role name rolepassword=password for role name Only one set of hostname-username-password-rolename-rolepassword may be specified in any one file. If the rolename is not specified, no role will be assumed. -B | --toolbox toolbox Loads the specified toolbox. toolbox can be either a fully-qualified URL or a filename. If you specify an HTTP URL as, for example, http://host_name:port/. . . it must point to a host_name and port on which an Solaris Management Console server is running. If you omit port, the default port, 898, is used. This option overrides the -H option. -D | --domain domain Specifies the default domain that you want to manage. The syntax of domain is type:/host_name/domain_name, where type is nis, nisplus, dns, ldap, or file; host_name is the name of the machine that serves the domain; and domain_name is the name of the domain you want to manage. (Note: Do not use nis+ for nisplus.) This option applies only to a single tool run in the terminal console. If you do not specify this option, the Solaris Management Console assumes the file default domain on whatever server you choose to man- age, meaning that changes are local to the server. Toolboxes can change the domain on a tool-by-tool basis; this option specifies the domain for all other tools. -h | --help Prints a usage statement about the smc command and its subcommands to the terminal window. To print a usage statement for one of the subcommands, enter -h after the subcommand. -H | --hostname host_name:port Specifies the host_name and port to which you want to connect. If you do not specify a port, the system connects to the default port, 898. If you do not specify host_name:port, the Solaris Management Console connects to the local host on port 898. You may still have to choose a toolbox to load into the console. To override this behavior, use the -B option (see above), or set your console preferences to load a "home toolbox" by default. -Jjava_option Specifies an option that can be passed directly to the Java runtime (see java(1). Do not enter a space between -J and the argument. This option is most useful for developers. -l | --rolepassword role_password Specifies the password for the role_name. If you specify a role_name but do not specify a role_password, the system prompts you to sup- ply a role_password. Passwords specified on the command line can be seen by any user on the system, hence this option is considered insecure. -p | --password password Specifies the password for the user_name. If you do not specify a password, the system prompts you for one. Passwords specified on the command line can be seen by any user on the system, hence this option is considered insecure. -r | --rolename role_name Specifies a role name for authentication. If you are running the Solaris Management Console in a terminal and you do not specify this option, no role is assumed. The GUI console may prompt you for a role name, although you may not need to assume a role. -s | --silent Disables informational messages printed to the terminal. -t Runs the Solaris Management Console in terminal mode. If this option is not given, the Solaris Management Console will automatically run in terminal mode if it cannot find a graphical display. --trust Trusts all downloaded code implicitly. Use this option when running the terminal console non-interactively and you cannot let the con- sole wait for user input. -T | --tool tool_name Runs the tool with the Java class name that corresponds to tool_name. If you do not specify this option and the Solaris Management Con- sole is running in terminal mode, the system prompts you. If the Solaris Management Console is running in graphical mode, the system either loads a toolbox or prompts you for one (see options -H and -B). -u | --username user_name Specifies the user name for authentication. If you do not specify this option, the user identity running the console process is assumed. -v | --version Prints the version of the Solaris Management Console to the terminal. In the graphical console, this information can be found in the About box, available from the Help menu. -y | --yes Answers yes to all yes/no questions. Use this option when running the terminal console non-interactively and you cannot let the console wait for user input.
Example 1: Printing a Usage Statement The following prints a usage statement about the smc command to the terminal window: smc --help Example 2: Passing an Option to Java The following passes an option through to the Java VM, which sets the com.example.boolean system property to true. This system property is only an example; the Solaris Management Console does not use it. smc -J-Dcom.example.boolean=true
See environ(5) for a description of the following environment variable that affects the execution of the smc command: JAVA_HOME If you do not specify this environment variable, your PATH is searched for a suitable java. Otherwise, the /usr/j2se loca- tion is used.
The following exit values are returned. Other error codes may be returned if you specify a tool (using -T tool_name) that has its own error codes. See the documentation for the appropriate tool. 0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWmcc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
auths(1), java(1), profiles(1), roles(1), smcconf(1M), attributes(5), environ(5), X(7) SunOS 5.10 19 Oct 2001 smc(1M)