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xquerydevicestate(3x11) [xfree86 man page]

XQueryDeviceState(3X11) 					    X FUNCTIONS 					   XQueryDeviceState(3X11)

XQueryDeviceState - query the state of an extension input device. SYNTAX
int XQueryDeviceState(Display *display, XDevice *device); ARGUMENTS
display Specifies the connection to the X server. device Specifies the device whose state is to be queried. DESCRIPTION
The XQueryDeviceState request queries the state of an input device. The current state of keys and buttons (up or down), and valuators (current value) on the device is reported by this request. Each key or button is represented by a bit in the XDeviceState structure that is returned. Valuators on the device report 0 if they are reporting relative information, and the current value if they are reporting absolute information. XQueryDeviceState can generate a BadDevice error. STRUCTURES
The XDeviceState structure contains: typedef struct { XID device_id; int num_classes; XInputClass *data; } XDeviceState; The XValuatorState structure contains: typedef struct { unsigned char class; unsigned char length; unsigned char num_valuators; unsigned char mode; int *valuators; } XValuatorState; The XKeyState structure contains: typedef struct { unsigned char class; unsigned char length; short num_keys; char keys[32]; } XKeyState; The XButtonState structure contains: typedef struct { unsigned char class; unsigned char length; short num_buttons; char buttons[32]; } XButtonState; DIAGNOSTICS
BadDevice An invalid device was specified. The specified device does not exist or has not been opened by this client via XOpenInputDe- vice. This error may also occur if some other client has caused the specified device to become the X keyboard or X pointer device via the XChangeKeyboardDevice or XChangePointerDevice requests. SEE ALSO
Programming with Xlib XFree86 Version 4.7.0 XQueryDeviceState(3X11)

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XSetDeviceValuators(3X11)					    X FUNCTIONS 					 XSetDeviceValuators(3X11)

XSetDeviceValuators - initialize the valuators on an extension input device SYNTAX
XSetDeviceValuators(display, device, valuators, first_valuator, num_valuators) Display *display; XDevice *device; int *valuators; int first_valuator; int num_valuators; ARGUMENTS
display Specifies the connection to the X server. device Specifies the device whose valuators are to be initialized. valuators Specifies a pointer to an array of integer values to be used to initialize the device valuators. first_valuator Specifies the first valuator to be set. Valuators are numbered beginning with zero. num_valuators Specifies the number of valuators to be set. DESCRIPTION
The XSetDeviceValuators request sets the current values of the valuators of an input device. The valuators in the range first_valuator to (first_valuator + num_valuators) are set to the specified values. Valuators are numbered beginning with 0. Not all input devices support initialization of valuator values. If this request is made to a device that does not support valuators initialization, a BadMatch error will occur. If the request succeeds, a status of Success is returned. If another client has the device grabbed, a status of AlreadyGrabbed is returned. XSetDeviceValuators can generate a BadLength, BadDevice , BadMatch, or BadValue error. DIAGNOSTICS
BadDevice An invalid device was specified. The specified device does not exist or has not been opened by this client via XOpenInputDe- vice. BadMatch This error may occur if an XSetDeviceValuators request is made specifying a device that has no valuators and reports no axes of motion, or if such a request is made specifying a device that does not support valuator initialization. BadValue An invalid first_valuator or num_valuators values was specified. SEE ALSO
Programming with Xlib XFree86 Version 4.7.0 XSetDeviceValuators(3X11)
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